New Partnership Strengthens BioVenture Conference

SAN FRANCISCO, Oct. 27 /PRNewswire/ -- The 7th Annual C21 BioVentures, to be held May 24-26th in Monterey, California, will be the result of a unique collaboration between Technology Vision Group LLC (TVG) and Burrill & Company. The aim of this new relationship is to create a next generation conference for venture-stage companies from around the world. Both firms are globally focused, and together are able to access executive decision makers in bioscience and investment firms.

Dr. Robert Lee Kilpatrick, Partner at Technology Vision Group LLC, commenting on the partnership said, “We are pleased to be working closely with Burrill & Company on this important strategic initiative. The synergies between our two groups are strong, and as experienced life science specialists, we offer services that are unique. There is no doubt that we have exceptional access to highly placed life science executives/companies and professional investors, and this will benefit our clients and portfolio companies around the world.”

The C21 BioVentures conference will be the combination of two of the leading venture-stage life science conferences into one: TVG’s C21 BioVentures (founded in 1999) and Burrill & Company’s Life Science Ventures Conference (founded in 2000). The event aims to bring together venture-stage life science companies and the investment community to facilitate a better understanding of new investment opportunities that are being created in bioscience.

“With the multiplicity of venues sprouting up for showcasing life science venture deals, this combined venue will clearly be the dominant venture deal meeting -- a can’t miss event for both companies and investors,” said G. Steven Burrill, CEO of Burrill & Company, a San Francisco-based life sciences merchant bank.

Both TVG and Burrill & Company have a well established record of producing high quality, well regarded conferences -- The Biotech Meeting at Laguna Niguel, hosted by Burrill & Company and Kleiner Perkins Caulfield & Byers, is now in its 17th year; TVG will soon produce the 12th Annual BioPartnering Europe (BPE) conference in London; and Burrill’s Life Sciences Partnering Meeting, now in its 16th year, took place this past month in San Francisco.

C21 BioVentures will be hosted by BayBio, a public-private partnership and forum organized to strengthen the competitiveness of northern California as the premier global location for bioscience research, education, and industry. Leading bioscience, investment, and service firms join a regional host committee to advise on conference development issues, and stimulate greater participation from universities, entrepreneurs, institutional investors, and thought leaders in this dynamic sector. According to Matt Gardner, President of BayBio, “C21 is the type of event that goes beyond service to our members and our local community -- it is an event that highlights the role Northern California plays as a gathering point in the global life science industry. C21 is an outstanding opportunity to foster greater growth and investment among life science companies.”

For further information please visit the website,

About the Producers:

Technology Vision Group LLC is a life sciences business development company focused on life science partnering and investing. Since 1992, we have been at the forefront of life science business innovation with clients in nearly 40 countries. We are located near Santa Cruz, California on Monterey Bay. Technology Vision Group LLC’s highly respected web-enabled BioPartnering and C21 BioVentures conferences have helped bioscience companies worldwide to find partners and investors. Dates for forthcoming events are: 12th Annual BioPartnering Europe (London, UK, October 10-12, 2004), 3rd Annual BioPartnering North America (Vancouver, B.C., February 6-8, 2005), 5th Annual European C21 BioVentures (London, UK, March 22-23, 2005), 7th C21 BioVentures (Monterey, California, May 24-26, 2005). Our evolutionary internet product -- -- showcases the companies and the people driving global bioscience business development in Europe, North America, Asia-Pacific and the rest of the world.

Burrill & Company is a life sciences merchant bank focused exclusively on companies involved in biotechnology, pharmaceuticals, diagnostics, devices, human healthcare and related medical technologies, nutraceuticals and wellness, agricultural biotechnology, and industrial biotechnology (biomaterials/bioprocesses) with over $500 million under management in its venture capital funds. Burrill’s technical and venture investing competence spans the entire spectrum of life sciences. The expertise of the firm’s investment team, strategic partners and Advisory Boards is unparalleled in depth and breadth. In addition, Burrill is a leader in life science strategic partnering, an invaluable practice to build value in portfolio companies and to accelerate their growth and development. Burrill is also the sponsor and facilitator of five leading annual industry conferences (The Life Sciences Partnering Meeting, September 27-28, 2004; The Biotech Meeting at Laguna Niguel, October 10-12, 2004; The Japan Biotech Meeting, April 12-13, 2005; The Midwest Life Sciences Meeting, November 9, 2004 and now this new combined C21 BioVentures Meeting) and publishes the seminal annual report (now in its 19th year) on the state of the biotechnology industry, which is now available online at the Burrill Datacenter. This combination of resources and capabilities has helped Burrill develop a unique and highly effective platform for finding and making outstanding life science investments.

Burrill & Company

CONTACT: Mandy Jones of Burrill & Company, +1-415-591-5405, or fax,+1-415-591-5401, or