Smell Of Grapefruit Helps Women Look Younger

A new study shows that the fruity aroma from grapefruit may be able to shave years off a woman’s appearance. Men Perceive Women to Be 6 Years Younger After a Whiff of Grapefruit. Eau de grapefruit, anyone? Don’t snicker: A new study shows that the fruity aroma from grapefruit may be able to shave years off your appearance. There’s a lot of prejudice against older people in our society, says researcher Alan B. Hirsch, neurological director of the Smell & Taste Treatment and Research Foundation in Chicago. “A lot of it is related to how we look and how we talk. So we looked at the concept of smell. “In the presence of the smell of pink grapefruit, women appear to be six years younger than their real age,” says Hirsch. It sure beats Botox or cosmetic surgery, he tells WebMD. Hirsch has made a career out of smelling things -- all sorts of things. A few years ago he found that banana, green apple, and peppermint aromas can help you lose weight. “We’ve also done studies on odors and sexual arousal and found a positive effect,” he says. Reporting here Monday at the annual meeting of the American Psychiatric Association, Hirsch says he recently “came to the idea of aging.” Sadly, of the three aromas studied, only grapefruit did the trick: Grape and cucumber odor had no effect on age perception whatsoever, he says. More...