Strategic Research Institute Release: Patient Non-Compliance, A $100 Billion A Year Problem

NEW YORK, Oct. 25 /PRNewswire/ -- The issue of Patient Compliance is of vital importance to the healthcare industry as non-adherent patients account for over 125,000 deaths annually and may account for billions of dollars in unrealized revenue. The revenue lost from this problem has been approximated at $30 billion annually, and the total societal loss is estimated at $100 billion a year -- from hospitalization, complications, disease progression, premature disability and death.

In light of this problem, the Strategic Research Institute has organized a “meeting of the minds” that will challenge the current compliance paradigm. The two day meeting will take place in Philadelphia, November 14-15, 2005 and will cover pressing issues such as:

Branding, Packaging and Marketing - How is compliance & persistence influenced by brand marketing and physician behavior? - How can marketers better leverage the professional sales channel to drive patient compliance? - Influence if innovative packaging design of medication - Role of the four marketing elements- price, product, place and promotion

Psychosocial and cultural barriers and enablers to compliance and persistence

- Identifying good, better and best consumers - Motivating C&P and guidelines for developing successful C&P programs Medical and Procedural aspects of Compliance - Role of physicians in driving patient persistence Medicare part D, Medication Therapy Management - Patient Relationship Management- building trust based patient relationships through MTMPs - How government, managed care, the pharmaceutical industry and patients could be held accountable so that Medicare MTMP regulations provide a vehicle for improving drug compliance

To register or for more information about the event, please visit the event website at: or call Seth Fritts at 212.967.0095 x256.

For more information on how to become a conference sponsor or exhibitor, please contact Don Buford at or call 212-967-0095 ext. 277.

For more information on how to become a media partner, please contact Cheryl Kahan-Radhuber at or call 212.967.0095, ext. 273

Strategic Research Institute

CONTACT: Seth Fritts, x256, For more information on how to become aconference sponsor or exhibitor: Don Buford, ext. 277,, For information on how to become a media partner:Cheryl Kahan-Radhuber, ext. 273,, all ofStrategic Research Institute, +1-212-967-0095