Integrated DNA Technologies Release: an Insight Into qPCR

CORALVILLE, IA (20th February 2012) – The latest issue of Decoded, Integrated DNA Technologies’ (IDT’s) quarterly newsletter, features a conversation about qPCR with Jo Vandesompele. As a professor of functional genomics and applied bioinformatics at Ghent University, Dr Vandesompele is an internationally recognized expert on analysis using the quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qPCR) and co-founder of the biotechnology company Biogazelle. During this interview, we gain an insight into how Biogazelle was formed, commonly encountered problems when using qPCR, the future of qPCR methods, the significance of the MIQE (Minimum Information for Publication of qPCR Experiments) guidelines and advice for young researchers.

You can read our interview with Jo Vandesompele in the latest issue of IDT’s quarterly newsletter, Decoded. For more information about IDT’s complete product portfolio, and to sign up to receive Decoded, visit For real-time news and updates, follow us on Twitter @idtdna.

About IDT

Integrated DNA Technologies (IDT) is the largest supplier of custom nucleic acids in the United States, serving academic, government, and commercial researchers in biotechnology, clinical diagnostics, and pharmaceutical development. IDT’s primary business is the manufacture of custom, synthetic DNA and RNA oligonucleotides. Today, IDT synthesizes and ships an average of 36,000 custom oligos per day to more than 86,000 customers worldwide. IDT manufacturing locations include facilities in Coralville, Iowa; San Diego, Calif.; and Leuven, Belgium. For more information visit

Integrated DNA Technologies

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