New Master’s Program in Health Informatics at Weill Cornell Graduate School of Medical Sciences

NEW YORK (Oct. 22, 2012) -- Informatics is integral to solving the nation’s urgent healthcare issues of rising costs and the delivery of quality care. Training the next generation of professionals to develop, implement and research new informatics technologies is vital. Through the Weill Cornell Graduate School of Medical Sciences, the Center for Healthcare Informatics and Policy (CHiP) is now accepting applications for a new master’s program in health informatics to do just that. The Master of Science in Health Informatics, launching in January 2013, will prepare students for careers in health information technology implementation, analytics, management, research and policy. The curriculum is a unique fusion of health systems, information systems and research methodology. Professionals possessing the combination of these skill sets are in high demand in healthcare delivery, industry, academia and government.

“We are extremely excited to offer this new program at CHiP,” says Dr. Rainu Kaushal, executive director of CHiP and the Frances and John L. Loeb Associate Professor of Medical Informatics at Weill Cornell Medical College. “CHiP’s faculty members are national leaders, and are conducting cutting-edge research in health informatics. The Center is well-positioned to train the next generation of health informatics professionals.”

The program’s curriculum addresses the need for systems science perspectives in health care, and incorporates an interdisciplinary approach by fusing traditional methods from health services research with computational and informatics techniques. The program provides an alternative to traditional training in health services research, health care management, health information technology and related fields.

“By emphasizing systems science, this program offers students a unique and much-needed perspective on health and healthcare,” says Dr. Stephen Johnson, program director and associate director for education of CHiP.

Students will be taught by faculty members at CHiP, who have extensive expertise in informatics, health policy and management, health services research, clinical medicine, implementation science, software development, computer science, economics, public health, engineering, epidemiology, and biostatistics.

The master’s program in health informatics requires 30 credits. Students who attend full-time can complete the program in 12 months. The curriculum includes courses in health information technology, health care delivery, research design and methodology, and a mentored research project providing hands-on experience:

• Healthcare Information and Information Systems

• Health Information Exchange, Privacy and Security

• Quality, Safety and Decision Making

• Health and Healthcare Delivery

• Using Electronic Clinical Data for Research

• Computational Modeling in Health Systems

• Introduction to Biostatistics

• Foundations of Clinical Research

• Research Methods in Health Informatics

• Research Project

An open house for prospective students to learn more about the educational programs and meet with some of the faculty is 6 to 7 p.m. on Thursday, Oct. 25 at 425 E. 61st St., Suite 301, New York City.

Center for Healthcare Informatics and Policy

CHiP’s mission is to improve health and health care through informatics and technology. CHiP brings together faculty from multiple departments at Weill Cornell Medical College, including pediatrics, public health, medicine, radiology, pathology and urology, to create a multi-disciplinary team for addressing issues at the intersection of health care informatics and health care policy. It is pursuing its mission by developing collaborative, robust programs in research, education, service and innovation. Relevant disciplines for this work include informatics, health policy and management, health services research, clinical medicine, implementation science, software development, computer science, public health, engineering, epidemiology, and biostatistics. CHiP is funded through competitive awards from federal and non-federal sources. For more information, visit

Weill Cornell Medical College

Weill Cornell Medical College, Cornell University’s medical school located in New York City, is committed to excellence in research, teaching, patient care and the advancement of the art and science of medicine, locally, nationally and globally. Physicians and scientists of Weill Cornell Medical College are engaged in cutting-edge research from bench to bedside, aimed at unlocking mysteries of the human body in health and sickness and toward developing new treatments and prevention strategies. In its commitment to global health and education, Weill Cornell has a strong presence in places such as Qatar, Tanzania, Haiti, Brazil, Austria and Turkey. Through the historic Weill Cornell Medical College in Qatar, the Medical College is the first in the U.S. to offer its M.D. degree overseas. Weill Cornell is the birthplace of many medical advances -- including the development of the Pap test for cervical cancer, the synthesis of penicillin, the first successful embryo-biopsy pregnancy and birth in the U.S., the first clinical trial of gene therapy for Parkinson’s disease, and most recently, the world’s first successful use of deep brain stimulation to treat a minimally conscious brain-injured patient. Weill Cornell Medical College is affiliated with NewYork-Presbyterian Hospital, where its faculty provides comprehensive patient care at NewYork-Presbyterian Hospital/Weill Cornell Medical Center. The Medical College is also affiliated with the Methodist Hospital in Houston. For more information, visit