New CARESTAR Foundation Launches To Improve Emergency Care

The state of California has granted approval for a new nonprofit health advocacy organization, CARESTAR Foundation (CARESTAR), to begin operations.

Grantmaking organization fosters programs improving safety, emergency and trauma care and violence/injury-prevention initiatives

WALNUT CREEK, Calif., May 1, 2018 /PRNewswire/ -- The state of California has granted approval for a new nonprofit health advocacy organization, CARESTAR Foundation (CARESTAR), to begin operations. The mission of CARESTAR is to improve the quality and availability of emergency and trauma care to all Californians, as well as to support innovative programs that reduce violence and help prevent injury, disability and death.

The new organization has evolved from the 2016 sale of CALSTAR (California Shock Trauma Air Rescue), a medical air ambulance transport organization, which was sold to REACH Medical Holdings.

“We are thrilled to honor CALSTAR’s 35-year lifesaving legacy by supporting meaningful initiatives that will continue to improve emergency care and patient outcomes, as well as expand access to emergency and trauma services, especially in underserved and rural areas,” says CARESTAR President and Board Chair Kenneth L. Meehan.

CARESTAR is currently considering a grant request from the California Hospital Association (CHA) to reduce overcrowding in California emergency rooms and ensure the right care is delivered in the right location, expeditiously. Another grant proposal from the Emergency Medical Services Authority (EMSA) is for a health information sharing initiative, allowing real-time communication between ground/air medical providers and hospital emergency rooms, to improve patient outcomes and provide critical information and care more quickly. A third proposal, from the John Muir Health Foundation, would expand a violence-prevention initiative that reduces readmission to trauma centers for vulnerable, at-risk youth ages 16-26.

An additional priority of the organization is to provide educational support that strengthens safeguards protecting health care workers from workplace violence, making patient treatment safer in all health care settings.

Meehan adds, “This successor charitable foundation of CALSTAR allows us to continue our vital work, not only in improving trauma and emergency medical care, but also by creating partnerships with other public benefit organizations. We have the experience and the ability to fuel innovative programs that truly result in lives saved. These include violence prevention programs, child passenger seat distribution and safety education, and support for effective teen drinking and driving prevention programs. We will work with our community partners to help prevent people from having to use emergency and trauma services -- but when they are needed, we will also help make sure they are the best and safest they can be.”

CARESTAR’s board of directors, which consists of the members formerly serving on CALSTAR’s board, plans to begin distribution of grants in the near future.

To learn more about grant requirements, or about CARESTAR’s launch, visit or contact Ken Meehan at or (925) 324-1647.


The purpose of CARESTAR is to create, invest in, and serve as a catalyst for ideas, partnerships, programs and services directed toward improving the quality and availability of emergency and trauma care while aiding in the prevention of injury, disability and death in California.

CARESTAR is particularly interested in exploring opportunities to:

  • Improve care and expand access to emergency and trauma services, particularly in vulnerable populations and in rural areas of California.
  • Prevent injuries from violence, (motor vehicles and other), reduce suffering and save lives by fostering development of effective standards, services and programs.
  • Foster stronger safeguards in healthcare settings to protect workers, visitors, family and others.

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