DNA Link And Amplicon Express, Inc. Announce Joint Partnership For Genomics Services

SEOUL, South Korea, Nov. 14, 2016 /PRNewswire/ -- DNA Link, Inc. and Amplicon Express announced that they established an agreement today for a strategic partnership for the delivery of the best quality genomics solutions. This strategic partnership will further strengthen the cooperative relationship between two companies, which have developed over the past several years. DNA Link and Amplicon Express have agreed to cooperate in areas including nucleic acid extraction, library preparation, and PacBio sequencing.

Under the terms Amplicon Express will extract HMW DNA samples of NGS-quality from crude materials such as bacteria, plants, animals and humans. These samples will be then forwarded to DNA Link to be made into a long-inserted library ideal for PacBio sequencing for genome or transcriptome analysis by the fleet of PacBio sequencers including Sequel and RSII units at DNA Link.

Jongeun Lee, CEO and the founder of DNA Link said, “Amplicon Express is an expert in nucleic acid extraction and library preparation with a long proven track of success, and DNA Link is one of the best sequencing facility that has the most experience with PacBio sequencers. This partnership will bring a tremendous synergy, and the researchers will enjoy the best quality of sequence data using the third-generation sequencers.”

Robert Bogden, President and founder of Amplicon Express remarked, “DNA Link is one of the few PacBio service providers that can fully realize the added value of having very long starting DNA fragments. PacBio data from DNA Link maximizes the long reads from our HMW DNA preps in 20Kb or 30Kb libraries.”

About DNA Link, Inc.

DNA Link, Inc. is a genomics company who is a certified service provider for Pacific Bioscience, Illumina, Ion Torrent and Affymetrix. As one of the first companies that adopted Pacific Bioscience RS II system, DNA Link has become one of the world’s leading expert in NGS and Bioinformatics, capable of providing an integrated genome analysis service using various platforms. Incorporated in 2000, DNA Link has accumulated profound experiences in various types of projects for sequencing and analysis of diverse organisms such as bacteria, fungi, plants, animals, and human. Headquartered in Seoul, Republic of Korea, it has a branch office and lab in San Diego, US.

About Amplicon Express

Amplicon Express Inc since 1996 has made 2,500+ custom BAC libraries, picked 55+ million BAC clones, and made thousands of quality HMW gDNA preps from practically every organism imaginable. The Amplicon Express distribution network includes: Japan, Singapore, Malaysia, Taiwan, MainlandChina, India, and offices in the EU. Amplicon is privately held, based in Washington State.

DNA Link,Inc.
Contact Person: Erin Kim
Office: +82-2-3153-1966
Email: hrkim@dnalink.com

Amplicon Express Inc.
Contact Person: Jon Wittendorp
Office: +31-26-7519538
Email: jon@ampliconexpress.com

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