LifeArc And AUTM Forge International Partnership To Provide Training For Scholars In Technology Transfer

London, UK, and Gainesville, FL (USA), 30 August 2017: LifeArc, the medical research charity formerly known as MRC Technology, has partnered with The Association of University Technology Managers (AUTM) Foundation to offer a competitive program that will provide essential training for scientists seeking a career in life sciences technology transfer. This joint initiative emphasises the commitment of both organisations to improve access to the technology transfer profession.

“LifeArc’s generous funding and participation make it possible for UK scholars to gain a rich training experience provided through the AUTM Fellows program,” said Chris Yochim, Chairman of the AUTM Foundation. “Our collaboration supports the AUTM mission to advance academic technology transfer globally.”

The AUTM-LifeArc technology transfer program pairs UK life-science graduates and post-doctoral students with an experienced technology transfer mentor who will help them prepare for a career in technology transfer. Each Fellow will receive a one-year AUTM membership with access to AUTM’s Technology Transfer Practice Manual (TTPM), which follows a core syllabus of educational webinars covering such topics as Basics of Technology Transfer, Invention Disclosures – From Cradle to Licensing, Basic Patenting, Marketing, and Negotiation. Fellows will also be funded to attend two major AUTM meetings in the US which draw 2,000 attendees from around the world, and offer over 80 educational sessions and significant networking opportunities.

“As a medical research charity, LifeArc works to identify, protect and manage promising scientific research so it can be developed into treatments and diagnostics for patients. By supporting the technology transfer professionals of the future we can increase our charitable impact as more science projects are effectively progressed,” said Andrew Farquharson, Executive Director, Technology Transfer at LifeArc.

Further information:

Media Contacts:
For LifeArc
Katie Odgaard
Zyme Communications
T: +44 (0)7787 502 947

Liezel Tipper, PR & Communications Manager
T: +44 (0) 20 7391 2772

For the AUTM Foundation
Kelly Markey
AUTM Foundation
T: +1 352-256-6085

About LifeArc

LifeArc is a medical research and technology transfer charity with 25 years of experience helping scientists translate their innovations into treatments and diagnostics for patients. LifeArc’s technology transfer team helps to drive the development of promising science, which includes protecting and managing intellectual property, evaluating the translational potential of research portfolios of our charity partners and advising on funding development paths and routes to market.

About the AUTM Foundation

The Association of University Technology Managers (AUTM) Foundation was created to strengthen and enhance the Association’s efforts to build a better world by advancing academic technology transfer globally. By prompting the transfer of technology from the lab to the marketplace and supporting training for practitioners at all levels, the foundation works to ensure the advancement of the profession.

About AUTM

The Association of University Technology Managers (AUTM) is a non-profit organization that supports the commercialization of academic research innovation through patents, licensing and business development. AUTM’s 3,200 members represent more than 350 universities, research institutions, teaching hospitals, businesses and government organizations around the world.