Vynca, the nation’s leading advance care planning technology solution and PatientPing, the nation’s leading care collaboration platform, today announced a partnership to surface real-time advance care planning information to providers across the care continuum.
BOSTON, Dec. 17, 2019 /PRNewswire/ -- Vynca, the nation’s leading advance care planning technology solution and PatientPing, the nation’s leading care collaboration platform, today announced a partnership to surface real-time advance care planning information to providers across the care continuum. This critical information helps providers avoid unwanted, unnecessary care treatments and procedures by helping providers abide by a patient’s own end-of-life decisions. “One of our main goals is to ensure that patient preferences are aligned with patient care,” said Ryan Van Wert, MD, CEO of Vynca. “PatientPing successfully connects providers so patients receive better care. Our partnership allows us to leverage their expansive network to seamlessly deliver more care plans across the care continuum, resulting in a reduction of unnecessary, unwanted healthcare utilization that often occurs at the end-of-life.” 25% of total Medicare spending goes towards beneficiaries during their last years of life and important opportunities exist to better coordinate end-of-life care planning during this time. Via a single sign on integration, POLST forms, advance directives and other advance care planning documents in Vynca will now be accessible within the PatientPing platform and delivered to providers across the PatientPing network, which includes thousands of hospitals, post-acutes, health systems, health plans and more. “It is tragic when a patients’ end-of-life treatment decisions are not honored as a result of poor information sharing,” said Jay Desai, CEO of PatientPing. “We consider it a profound and humbling privilege to help providers better support patients’ end-of-life treatment decisions through our partnership with Vynca and are excited to deliver their critical advance care planning information to providers during clinical encounters.” Vynca’s end-to-end solution supports over 80 hospitals, as well as health plans, ACOs, and state registries working to ensure every patients’ care preferences are known and honored at the end-of-life. PatientPing’s national network includes thousands of providers across the nation, all of which are working together to collaborate with one another on their shared patients. About Vynca Vynca is also the leading solution provider for state advance care planning registries, having first partnered with the Oregon POLST Registry to develop a bi-directional electronic interface for health care organizations in Oregon. It is also the technology vendor for the California POLST eRegistry Pilot, the Delaware DMOST Registry, the Louisiana LaPOST Registry, and the South Carolina Registry. Follow Vynca on LinkedIn and Twitter @VyncaHealth. About PatientPing Contact: Melissa Palardy, mpalardy@patientping.com
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