SAN FRANCISCO, Sept. 29 /PRNewswire/ -- Community leaders from the Mission, Bernal Heights, the Excelsior and elsewhere will attend a hearing today at the San Francisco Department of Health to discuss the possible closure of the psychiatric unit at St. Luke’s Hospital. St. Luke’s, an affiliate of the Sutter corporation, announced in June its plans to permanently close its six bed psychiatric unit. The decision garnered heavy criticism from community members and elected city officials who say the closure betrays Sutter’s earlier promise not to reduce critical health care services. In order for St. Luke’s to proceed with the closure, hospital management must entertain public feedback at tomorrow’s hearing.
What: Hearing to discuss the closure of St. Luke’s psychiatric unit and its impact on community health. When: Tuesday, September 20th, 3 p.m. Where: San Francisco Department of Public Health 101 Grove St., 3rd floor San Francisco Contact: Thea Lavin: (510) 520-7732
SEIU United Healthcare Workers-West
CONTACT: Thea Lavin of SEIU United Healthcare Workers-West,+1-510-520-7732
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