Caregivers Ready To Strike For Federal Mediator’s Compromise Proposal That Calls For Staffing Protections And Training At Three S.F. Hospitals, Will Suspend Other Sutter Strikes

OAKLAND, Calif., Sept. 13 /PRNewswire/ -- Eight hundred hospital workers are set to strike at three San Francisco hospitals tomorrow Tuesday, September 13 for a settlement proposal recommended by a federal mediator. California Pacific Medical Center (CPMC), Sutter’s largest affiliate, initially accepted the mediator’s compromise, but then reneged under pressure from form Sutter Health corporate headquarters in Sacramento.

The Sutter bargaining team of the SEIU United Healthcare Workers - West agreed to the federal mediator’s proposal for a settlement that included substantial compromises but addressed workers’ most important concerns over quality patient care -- a voice in staffing decisions, a training fund and protections for workers to speak up on behalf of patients.

Pointing to egregious deception by CPMC, union bargaining team members voted Sunday to strike only its three San Francisco hospitals on Tuesday, Sept. 13, suspending job actions against other Sutter Health facilities.

“These provisions [mediator’s proposals] are industry standards in Northern California, recognized by Kaiser Permanente, Catholic Healthcare West and many others in order to improve patient care,” Sal Rosselli, SEIU UHW president said. “The fact that CPMC accepted these didn’t surprise us, but we were shocked when they tried to disavow their own agreement. Who’s making the decisions at CPMC? Are they free to sign a contract with us, as they agreed to do? Or are Sutter executives in Sacramento calling the shots? Whoever is making the decision has to come to the table and be accountable to the people of San Francisco for provoking this strike.”

A host of dignitaries have stepped forward to urge Sutter Health to accept the mediator’s proposal, including U.S. Sen. Barbara Boxer, U.S. Rep. Nancy Pelosi, San Francisco Mayor Gavin Newsom, Oakland Mayor Jerry Brown and many others.

STRIKE SCHEDULE OF EVENTS Tuesday, Sept. 13 6:00 a.m. picketing at CPMC Pacific campus, 2333 Buchanan St., San Francisco 12:00 noon members of S.F. Board of Supervisors President and others to join workers on picket line at California campus, 5:00 p.m. Solidarity rally with area labor, political and community leaders at California campus, 3700 California St., San Francisco Contact: Thea Lavin, +1-510-520-7732, for SEIU.

SEIU United Healthcare Workers-West

CONTACT: Thea Lavin, +1-510-520-7732, for SEIU