Looking for a biopharma job? Check out the BioSpace list of 12 top companies hiring life sciences professionals like you.
The job market has not picked up just yet for 2025, according to BioSpace data. Job postings live on the website dropped 23% from February 2024 to February 2025 and 10% from January to February of this year. That said, hiring activity should increase in 2025, possibly starting this month, according to BioSpace Recruitment Manager Greg Clouse.
“I would anticipate it’s going to start happening now and into second quarter,” Clouse said.
If you’re looking for your next pharma or biotech opportunity, here are the top 12 biopharma companies hiring now, based on recent job posting volume.
- AbbVie
- Eli Lilly
- Novo Nordisk
- Takeda
- Amgen
- Regeneron
- Daiichi Sankyo
- BioMarin Pharmaceutical
- GenScript
- Insmed
- Moderna
In addition to the biopharmas above, check out these businesses that are also hiring: Civica, Invitro Cell Research, Nurix Therapeutics and United States Pharmacopeia.
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