SOMERVILLE, Mass., April 14 /PRNewswire/ -- RESOLVE: The National Infertility Association, applauds the research published in this week’s The New England Journal of Medicine, showing a consistent decrease in the percentage of high order multiple pregnancies from Assisted Reproductive Technologies (ART) since 1997. RESOLVE notes that, while infertility specialists have made important progress in reducing multiple births, there is still significant need to educate and inform patients about the risk of multiple births following some infertility treatments.
“Through research, and a focus on patient care, infertility specialists have had a very positive impact on reducing multiple births. In addition, guidelines published by the American Society for Reproductive Medicine (ASRM) have helped reduce multiples,” said Diane Clapp, RN, BSN, RESOLVE’s Director of Medical Information. “At the same time, RESOLVE believes that more patient education materials are needed, to address the incidence of multiples in non- ART cycles and the risks of multifetal pregnancies to both the mother and children.”
RESOLVE recommends that people seeking infertility therapy with the use of drugs to enhance ovulation (the production of mature eggs) seek care from a certified reproductive endocrinologist, a medical physician trained in infertility treatment and reproductive health. Together, the patient and physician should then discuss -- before beginning treatment -- the risk of multiple birth, how to control that risk and the options available, should a multiple gestation occur.
RESOLVE has a new fact sheet for patients on the topic of Multiple Gestation Pregnancies.
The research being published was conducted by Mark Hornstein, M.D. and colleagues at Brigham and Women’s Hospital, Boston, shows a drop in the number of high order multiple pregnancies (triplets or higher) since 1997.
RESOLVE: The National Infertility Association since 1974, is a consumer nonprofit organization that provides education, advocacy and support to those struggling with infertility. Each year, National RESOLVE and its network of more than 50 chapters across the U.S. handle over one million contacts from people seeking information about infertility. Contact the RESOLVE HelpLine at 888-623-0744 or visit the RESOLVE website at
CONTACT: Gina Cella Cella Communications Tel: 781-334-4692 Email:
RESOLVE: The National Infertility Association
CONTACT: Gina Cella of Cella Communications, +1-781-334-4692,
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