October 26, 2010, Lund, Sweden -- On the 18th of October, the American Heart Association (AHA) and the European Resuscitation Council (ERC) published their updated Guidelines for CardioPulmonary Resuscitation for treating sudden cardiac arrest patients. The new guidelines recognize the hemodynamic and practical benefits of the LUCAS Chest Compression System in situations where manual CPR is difficult (AHA class IIb). LUCAS is also recognized to sustain circulation during life-saving percutaneous coronary interventions (PCI) in the catheterization laboratory (AHA class IIa).
The guidelines are revised every fifth year and are based on results from a systematic review of published resuscitation science. The updated AHA and ERC guidelines put a stronger emphasis on the importance of early, uninterrupted and high-quality chest compressions during resuscitation.
“There was unanimous support for continued emphasis on high-quality CPR, with compressions of adequate rate and depth, allowing complete chest recoil, minimizing interruptions in chest compressions and avoiding excessive ventilation. High-quality CPR is the cornerstone of a system of care that can optimize outcomes beyond return of spontaneous circulation (ROSC). Return to a prior quality of life and functional state of health is the ultimate goal of a resuscitation system of care.
AHA Page S640: Part 1 Executive Summary
“The importance of early, uninterrupted chest compressions is emphasised throughout these guidelines.” ERC Page 1220: Section 1 Executive Summary
The 2010 Guidelines call for earlier, deeper, faster and more chest compressions. Both ERC and AHA now recommend a manual chest compression depth of at least 5 cm (2 inches) at a rate of at least 100 per minute (compared to 4-5 cm/1.5-2.0 inches at 100 per minute in Guidelines from 2005). Chest compressions should be given during defibrillator charge and immediately after defibrillation to avoid interruptions. To reduce the fatigue factor, CPR providers should take turns every two minutes, and the use of CPR feedback devices is encouraged.
The LUCAS Chest Compression System is the only mechanical CPR device that delivers compressions consistent with the science behind the guidelines for high-quality CPR for improving patient outcomes. Several publications on the LUCAS devices have been referred to and serve as a basis for the positive statements on mechanical CPR.
“Mechanical piston devices may be considered for use by properly trained personnel in specific settings for the treatment of adult cardiac arrest in circumstances (eg, during diagnostic and interventional procedures) that make manual resuscitation difficult (Class IIb, LOE C)”
AHA Page S723: Part 7, CPR Devices and Techniques
“It is reasonable to use mechanical CPR during PCI (Class IIa, LOE C).” AHA Page S849: Part 12, Cardiac Arrest in Special Situations
“In hospital, mechanical devices have been used effectively to support patients undergoing primary coronary intervention (PCI) and CT scans and also for prolonged resuscitation attempts (e.g., hypothermia, poisoning, thrombolysis for pulmonary embolism, prolonged transport etc) where rescuer fatigue may impair the effectiveness of manual chest compression. In the prehospital environment where extrication of patients, resuscitation in con?ned spaces and movement of patients on a trolley often preclude effective manual chest compressions, mechanical devices may also have an important role. During transport to hospital, manual CPR is often performed poorly; mechanical CPR can maintain good quality CPR during an ambulance transfer. Mechanical devices also have the advantage of allowing de?brillation without interruption in external chest compression. The role of mechanical devices in all situations requires further evaluation.” ERC Page 1236: Section 1, Executive Summary
Erik von Schenck, CEO at Jolife AB, the manufacturer of the LUCAS Chest Compression System, comments; “We are happy to see the Guidelines acknowledge the benefits LUCAS brings into a system of well-trained rescuers. The Guidelines recognize that successful outcomes require a systems-based approach where optimization of every link matters and throughout which compressions remain a key component. LUCAS provides a solution to secure high-quality CPR over the whole resuscitation event and to extend the reach of care. In addition, it provides increased operational efficacy and safety for the rescue personnel.”
For more information on LUCAS CPR, please visit www.lucas-cpr.com.
The LUCAS Chest Compression System is an easy-to-use and lightweight device that provides quality chest compressions in accordance with the European Resuscitation Council and American Heart Association Guidelines for CPR (cardiopulmonary resuscitation). It assists rescuers in maintaining vital blood circulation in cardiac arrest patients. LUCAS is simple to use, applied within seconds and feasible for use in a majority of cardiac arrest patients in most settings and situations. LUCAS is available in electrically powered (LUCAS 2) and pneumatically powered (LUCAS 1) versions. So far, an estimated 35,000 patients have been treated with a LUCAS. The mechanical CPR device has shown to increase operational efficacy and to improve the opportunities to save cardiac arrest patients.
About Jolife AB
Founded in 2000, Jolife AB develops and manufactures the LUCAS Chest Compression System. Jolife works closely with leading physicians, nurses, paramedics and first responders and is committed to research and development in order to continue to offer innovative products. LUCAS Chest Compression Systems are sold in over 34 countries around the world. Based in Lund in southern Sweden, Jolife markets its products through an exclusive global distribution agreement with Physio-Control, Inc., a division of Medtronic Inc. – except in Sweden, Norway and Finland, where Jolife sells directly.
Further information: Erik von Schenck, CEO, JOLIFE Tel: +46 46 286 5002 E-mail: evs@jolife.com
Sara Lindroth, Marketing Director, JOLIFE Tel: +46 46 286 5024 E-mail: sara.lindroth@jolife.com
Jolife AB Scheelevägen 17 223 70 Lund Sweden Tel: +46 46 286 5000 www.jolife.com www.lucas-cpr.com