Texas Health Information Management Association Provides Updates to Texas Health Information Legal Manual© Subscribers

The Texas Health Information Management Association Publishes updates to the Texas Health information legal Manual©

The Texas Health Information Management Association Publishes updates to the Texas Health information legal Manual©

AUSTIN, Texas, Sept. 18, 2018 /PRNewswire/ -- The Texas Health Information Management Association (TxHIMA) Board has published updates to the Texas Health Information Legal Manual©.

The TxHIMA Board’s goal in updating and publishing this manual is to provide our membership with a valuable resource tool that helps them in their day-to-day operations during a time of vast, and ever-accelerating change in health care. A manual of this type has not been provided by TxHIMA since 2003. Since that time, our industry has implemented a Privacy Rule and a Security Rule. Texas has implemented a health information exchange network, as well as rewritten the health information privacy regulations. Most importantly, the industry has evolved from one where the records and information are largely in paper form to one where the information is largely digital, and the sources of protected health information are expanding exponentially, especially with the Internet of Things. Our networks and databases are under constant assault from a variety of sources, both internal and external. It has never been more important to have high-quality resources which provide critical guidance to HIM professionals across the state.

Topics updated in the Texas Health Information Legal Manual© include:

  • HIPAA Penalties
  • Health Information Exchange and Interoperability
  • Handling Sensitive Information
  • Consent, Authorization and the Notice of Privacy Practices (NPP)
  • Applicable Laws: Implementation & Compliance
  • SB11 - DNR Changes to the Texas Health and Safety Code

Texas Health Information Legal Manual© is available for purchase as a subscription via the TxHIMA website at http://www.txhima.org/page/legal_manual. The manual has been published as an on-line resource accessible via the web in a mobile responsive design for all devices.

About the Texas Health Information Management Association:
The Texas Health Information Management Association (TxHIMA) is a component state association of the American Health Information Management Association (AHIMA). AHIMA is the premier association of health information management (HIM) professionals worldwide. Serving 52 affiliated component state associations and more than 103,000 health information professionals, it is recognized as the leading source of “HIM knowledge,” a respected authority for rigorous professional education and training. For more information about TxHIMA, visit their website www.txhima.org or call (512) 540-4441.

View original content:http://www.prnewswire.com/news-releases/texas-health-information-management-association-provides-updates-to-texas-health-information-legal-manual-subscribers-300714653.html

SOURCE Texas Health Information Management Association