THE WOODLANDS, Texas, Dec. 14, 2011 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Repros Therapeutics Inc.® (Nasdaq:RPRX) today provided a regulatory update for its Androxal program following a joint meeting with the Divisions of Urologic and Endocrinologic Products at the FDA. Dr. Nelly Pitteloud, Professor in Medicine, Chief of the Department of Endocrinology, diabetes and metabolism, CHUV University Hospital, Lausanne, Switzerland, presented an overview of the current understanding of the interrelationship of obesity and low testosterone. Dr. Pettiloud’s observations are consistent with the Company’s findings. Following a discussion of the materials presented by the Company, the FDA encouraged Repros to continue down the path outlined by the Urology Division to show that Androxal restores testicular function wherein both testosterone levels and sperm counts are normalized. The Company will follow the FDA’s recommendation. The Company plans to release top line data from the Phase 2b study designed to show this specific effect of Androxal by year end. The study will be the basis for design of Phase 3 studies that will be discussed in a Type B meeting that will be held around the end of the first quarter in 2012.