Recce Pharmaceuticals Announces Change of Director’s Interest Notices – James Graham

Recce Pharmaceuticals Limited (ASX: RCE, FSE: R9Q), the Company developing a new class of synthetic anti-infectives, is pleased to provide a notice of change of interests in Director holdings.

SYDNEY, Australia, June 28, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Recce Pharmaceuticals Limited (ASX: RCE, FSE: R9Q), the Company developing a new class of synthetic anti-infectives, is pleased to provide a notice of change of interests in Director holdings.

The Company advises that Chief Executive Officer James Graham has increased his shareholding through the on-market purchase of an additional 500,000 shares totaling AUD $306,871.75.

19th June22ndJune2023
Personwhoserelevantinterestchanged Pricepershare QuantityOn Value($)
JamesGraham(CEO&ManagingDirector) 0.566419 89,303 $ 50,582.92
0.621541 248,955 $ 154,735.74
0.62980 80,403 $ 50,637.81
0.625964 81,339 $ 50,915.29
Total 500,000 $ 306,871.75



InformationordocumentsnotavailablenowmustbegiventoASXassoonasavailable.Informationand documentsgiventoASXbecomeASX’spropertyandmaybemade public.

Introduced 30/09/01 Amended 01/01/11

Name of entity Recce Pharmaceuticals Ltd (Company)
ACN 124 849 065

We (the entity) give ASX the following information under listing rule 3.19A.2 and as agent for the director for the purposes of section 205G of the Corporations Act.

NameofDirector James Graham
Dateoflastnotice 22 June 2021

Inthecaseofatrust,thisincludesinterestsinthetrustmadeavailablebytheresponsibleentityofthe trust

Note: In the case of a company, interests which come within paragraph (i) of the definition of “notifiable interest of a director” should be disclosed in this part.

Directorindirectinterest Direct and indirect interest
Nature of indirect interest (includingregisteredholder)
Note: Provide details of the circumstances giving rise to the relevant interest.
Buttonwood Nominees Pty Ltd with the shares being held on behalf of James Graham
Date ofchange a) 25 August 2022 (transfer)
b) 25 August 2022 (transfer)
c) 15 June 2023 (transfer)
d) 19 June 2023
e) 20 June 2023
f) 21 June 2023
g) 22 June 2023


Direct Interest
1. 2,840,332 fully paid ordinary shares
2. 389,712 Class B Performance Shares
3. 2,250,000 Unlisted Options
Indirect Interest
Mr. James Graham <J Graham Family A/c>
1. 2,493,750 fully paid ordinary shares
2. 356,250 Class B Performance Shares
Bulleen Pty Ltd
1. 697,850 fully paid ordinary shares
Class Fully paid ordinary shares
Numberacquired 500,000 fully paid ordinary shares
Numberdisposed Nil
Note: If consideration is non-cash, provide details and estimated valuation
a) $50,582.92
b) $154,735.74
c) $50,637.81
d) $50,915.29
No.ofsecuritiesheldafterchange Total number of fully paid ordinary shares held after change: 6,531,932
Direct Interest
1. 262,347 fully paid ordinary shares
2. 389,712 Class B Performance Shares
3. 2,250,000 Unlisted Options
Mr. James Graham <J Graham Family A/c>
1. 356,250 Class B Performance Shares
Bulleen Pty Ltd
1. 769,585 fully paid ordinary shares
Buttonwood Nominees Pty Ltd
1. 5,500,000 fully paid ordinary shares
Nature ofchange
Example: on-market trade, off-market trade, exercise of options, issue of securities under dividend reinvestment plan, participation in buy- back
  1. (a) to (c) transfer of securities between entities controlled by Mr Graham with no change to Mr Graham’s relevant interest.
  2. (d) to (g) on-market purchases

Part2 –Changeofdirector’sinterestsin contracts

Note: In the case of a company, interests which come within paragraph (ii) of the definition of “notifiable interest of a director” should be disclosed in this part.

Detailofcontract N/A
Natureofinterest N/A
Nameofregisteredholder (if issued securities) N/A
Dateof change N/A
No.andclassofsecuritiestowhich interest related prior to change
Note: Details are only required for a contract in relation to which the interest has changed
Interestacquired N/A
Interestdisposed N/A
Note: If consideration is non-cash, provide details and an estimated valuation
Interestafterchange N/A

Part3 –+Closed period

Were the interests in the securities or contracts detailed abovetradedduringa+closedperiodwherepriorwritten clearancewasrequired? No
Ifso,waspriorwrittenclearanceprovidedtoallowthe trade to proceed during this period? N/A
Ifpriorwrittenclearancewasprovided,onwhatdatewas this provided? N/A

+ See chapter 19 for defined terms.

About Recce Pharmaceuticals Ltd
Recce Pharmaceuticals Ltd (ASX: RCE, FSE: R9Q) is developing a new class of Synthetic Anti-Infectives designed to address the urgent global health problems of antibiotic-resistant superbugs and emerging viral pathogens.

Recce’s anti-infective pipeline includes three patented, broad-spectrum, synthetic polymer anti-infectives: RECCE® 327 as an intravenous and topical therapy that is being developed for the treatment of serious and potentially life-threatening infections due to Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria including their superbug forms; RECCE® 435 as an orally administered therapy for bacterial infections; and RECCE® 529 for viral infections. Through their multi-layered mechanisms of action, Recce’s anti-infectives have the potential to overcome the hypercellular mutation of bacteria and viruses – the challenge of all existing antibiotics to date.

The FDA has awarded RECCE® 327 Qualified Infectious Disease Product designation under the Generating Antibiotic Initiatives Now (GAIN) Act – labelling it for Fast Track Designation, plus 10 years of market exclusivity post approval. Further to this designation, RECCE® 327 has been included on The Pew Charitable Trusts Global New Antibiotics in Development Pipeline as the world’s only synthetic polymer and sepsis drug candidate in development. RECCE® 327 is not yet market approved for use in humans with further clinical testing required to fully evaluate safety and efficacy.

Recce wholly owns its automated manufacturing, which is supporting present clinical trials. Recce’s anti-infective pipeline seeks to exploit the unique capabilities of its technologies targeting synergistic, unmet medical needs.

Corporate Contact
James Graham
Recce Pharmaceuticals Ltd
+61 (02) 9256 2571

Media & Investor Relations (AU)
Andrew Geddes
+61 (02) 9267 4511

Media (USA)
Jordyn Temperato
LifeSci Communications

Investor Relations (USA & EU)
Guillame van Renterghem
LifeSci Advisors

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