Current airport screening of passengers is not intercepting the majority of passengers infected with the current Covid-19 coronavirus.
Current airport screening of passengers is not intercepting the majority of passengers infected with the current Covid-19 coronavirus.
RENO, Nevada, Feb. 23, 2020 /PRNewswire/ -- Screening at airports using heat sensors for elevated temperatures may identify those who have later-stage symptoms of fever from coronavirus or other unrelated illnesses such as the common cold or flu.
Airport tissue-sample screening should be implemented immediately for all inbound international passengers to prevent the spread of the coronavirus into the general population.
A tissue swab of the sputum (a mixture of saliva and mucus) can be taken by a local nurse, and within 90 minutes, Rapid Dx can provide the test results to the airport authority for passengers to clear customs that are virus free, or place those with the virus into quarantine for treatment.
Rapid Dx LLC is in a position to provide airport authorities the Logix Smart™ 2019-nCoV CoPrimer™ qPCR detection kit for the detection of the novel strain of coronavirus for air passengers.
Our Rapid Dx team is ready and able to set up at airport terminal with qualified local nurses and lab technicians to screen passengers wishing to know whether they are Covid-19 coronavirus free prior to meeting family, and for those boarding into the country.
This virus has already claimed the lives of over 2,000 good people in China and left thousands others extremely sick in China and globally in over 25 countries.
Another major concern is the virus can remain alive on wood, plastic, and metal surfaces from four days to several weeks, with many people spreading the virus around the world.
The virus does not sleep. We all need to take action now to contain this global outbreak from spreading to every village in every country, potentially infecting hundreds of millions of people.
Coronavirus Diagnostic kits are available today for purchase from our Rapid Dx online store.
Rapid Dx LLC
Suite 203, 401 Ryland Street, Reno, Nevada 89502 USA
Rapid Dx LLC is a licensed global distributor of Co-Diagnostics
Media Contact:
Richard Moore
(775) 319-7800
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