Millions of us make New Year’s resolutions every year that involve getting healthy, and to no surprise, eliminating stress tops the list.
CHICAGO, /PRNewswire/ -- Millions of us make New Year’s resolutions every year that involve getting healthy, and to no surprise, eliminating stress tops the list. Nearly half [46%] of all American millennials say they are stressed all the time and almost all [82%] are looking for an easy solution, according to a recent surveyi. One way to start the New Year off right is by incorporating Japanese Green Tea into your daily routine. Japanese Green Tea contains L-theanine, an amino acid found naturally in each cup to help elevate mood and calm anxious minds. Resolve to Be More Mindful at Work Given US millennials desire for ways to reduce stress and find calm in easy ways, Japanese Green Tea was put to the test in a social experiment using Immersion Neuroscience technology with 100 millennials in fast-paced workplaces from marketing to technologyii. Millennials who incorporated Japanese Green Tea into their workday saw they were less frustrated and calmer during the day, as seen by an increase of the Immersion Neuroscience InQ shifting from 4.24 to 4.40, demonstrating a significant boost in engagement during stressful activities based on Immersion Neuro research variables. “Completing an experiment of this nature was a first for Immersion Neuroscience. We were pleased with the outcome of how Immersion Neuroscience technology was able to demonstrate increased focus, greater attention to detail and less task-related neurologic frustration after drinking Japanese Green Tea,” said Laura E. Beavin, Ph.D., Immersion Neuroscience. “We look forward to highlighting the success of this experiment in future projects that expand the use of our technology.” One Cup to Calm: Benefits of Japanese Green Tea Japanese Green Tea can help bring new focus into the new year:
Visit to learn more about the heritage and the mindful benefits of Japanese Green Tea. About “One Cup to Calm” The Japan Food Product Overseas Promotion Center [JFOODO) is working to educate US millennials of the mindfulness benefits of Japanese green tea. More than 25 Japanese green tea brands are involved in this large-scale marketing and awareness campaign - “One Cup to Calm” - in the United States. Visit or for more information. About The JFOODO
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