Leading Renal Cell Carcinoma (RCC) Researchers to Discuss Novel Therapies, Promise of Personalized Immunotherapy in Webinar Hosted by Argos Therapeutics, Inc.

DURHAM, N.C., Oct. 26 /PRNewswire/ -- Argos Therapeutics today announced that it will host a Webinar with leading researchers in renal cell carcinoma (RCC) to discuss novel therapies, recently approved or in development, as well as the promise of personalized immunotherapy in the treatment of RCC.

In light of the first FDA approval of an autologous cellular immunotherapy, Dendreon Corporation’s PROVENGE®, three researchers will provide different perspectives on personalized immunotherapy for the treatment of cancer, with a focus on RCC. The Webinar is scheduled for 1 p.m. EDT on Monday, Nov. 1, and will feature:

  • Christopher G. Wood, M.D., of The University of Texas M. D. Anderson Cancer Center, will discuss the role of cytoreductive nephrectomy in advanced RCC.
  • Brian I. Rini, M.D., of the Cleveland Clinic Lerner College of Medicine of Case Western Reserve University, will discuss current treatment paradigms for advanced RCC.
  • Robert A. Figlin, M.D., of Cedars-Sinai´s Samuel Oschin Comprehensive Cancer Institute, will discuss the future directions in advanced RCC and the role of personalized immunotherapy with an insight into Argos’ Arcelis immunotherapy for RCC, AGS-003.

The discussion will be moderated by Jeff Abbey, Argos’ president and chief executive officer.

To participate in the Webinar, please register at http://www.videonewswire.com/event.asp?id=73668 or at Argos Therapeutics’ Web site, www.argostherapeutics.com. Also, dial in at 1-800-860-2442 or 1-412-858-4600 and reference Argos Therapeutics. Questions for the panelists may be directed over the telephone during the live event. Please connect to the Webinar and call 15 minutes prior to the start time to ensure adequate time for registration and to download any software that may be necessary. The Webinar will also be available for replay on Argos’ Web site.

The Windows Media Player software is downloadable free from http://www.microsoft.com and at least a 56Kbps connection to the Internet. If you experience problems listening to the Webcast, send an e-mail to: webcast@multivu.com.

About the Arcelis Technology

Arcelis is Argos’ proprietary technology for personalizing RNA-loaded dendritic cell immunotherapies for cancer, HIV and other infectious diseases. This platform is based on optimizing a patient’s own (autologous) dendritic cells to trigger a tumor- or pathogen-specific immune response. To address the challenge of the unique genetic profile of each patient’s disease and the genetic mutations of that disease, Argos loads the autologous dendritic cells with a sample of messenger RNA (“mRNA”) isolated from the patient’s disease. Through this process, dendritic cells can potentially prime immune responses to the entire antigenic repertoire, resulting in an immunotherapeutic that is customized to the patient’s specific disease.

About Argos Therapeutics, Inc.

Argos is an immunotherapy company developing new treatments for cancer, infectious and autoimmune diseases and transplantation rejection. The Company has generated multiple platform technologies and a diverse pipeline of products based on its expertise in the biology of dendritic cells -- the master switch that turns the immune system on or off. www.argostherapeutics.com


David Schull or Andreas Marathovouniotis
Russo Partners LLC
(212) 845-4271 or (212) 845-4235
david.schull@russopartnersllc.com or andreas.marathis@russopartnersllc.com

Jeff Abbey
Argos Therapeutics
(919) 287-6308

SOURCE Argos Therapeutics, Inc.