FDA Associate Commissioner Randall Lutter To Keynote On Day 2 Of RFID World 2006

MISSION VIEJO, Calif., Feb. 14 /PRNewswire-FirstCall/ -- Randall Lutter, Ph.D. Associate Commissioner for Policy and Planning of the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), will be the featured keynote speaker during day two of the 4th Annual RFID World, on March 1, 2006 at the Gaylord Texan Resort in Dallas, Texas ( http://www.rfid-world.com/rfid06/ ), adding to the show’s already diverse array of high caliber speakers.

Dr. Lutter’s address will focus on electronic track and trace technology as a means to fight counterfeits and comply with the pedigree requirements of the Prescription Drug Marketing Act. It will also discuss the FDA’s efforts to facilitate cooperation among the stakeholders in pharmaceutical manufacture and distribution so as to ensure the integrity of the U.S. drug supply.

The FDA’s efforts to cultivate RFID adoption have led industry analysts to project that the RFID revenue potential in the pharmaceutical industry will rise to more than $2 billion by 2011.

Day two of the RFID World 2006 program will open with a keynote roundtable of early adopters discussing lessons learned since implementing RFID and the technology’s evolution to Gen 2. Roundtable participants will include Carolyn Walton, vice president, information systems, Wal-Mart, Inc.; Bob Berg, Sr. RFID program manager, DHL Worldwide Express; and Rick Crawford, general manager, NYK Logistics (Americas) Inc.

“The variety of issues and applications covered in the keynote and track sessions on day two range from RFID in public policy and the pharmaceutical industry, to defense and business intelligence. It is this expansive scope of RFID knowledge that makes RFID World the industry’s premiere conference,” said Timothy Downs, president of Shorecliff Communications and VP Emerging Technology Events of CMP Media.

For more information about RFID World and to register, call 1-800-608-9641 or visit www.rfid-world.com/rfid06/.

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Media Contacts: Timothy Downs Ashley Peterson CMP Media Bridgeman Communications 949-600-7070, ext. 209 617-742-7270 tdowns@cmp.comashley@bridgeman.com

Shorecliff Communications

CONTACT: Timothy Downs of CMP Media, +1-949-600-7070, ext. 209, ortdowns@cmp.com; or Ashley Peterson of Bridgeman Communications,+1-617-742-7270, or ashley@bridgeman.com, for CMP Media