Corrected Update: AHIP Applauds Congress For Health Care Leadership

WASHINGTON, May 11 /PRNewswire/ -- AHIP today praised both houses of Congress for putting health care at the top of the national agenda.

A Senate task force today issued a report offering a wide range of recommendations for addressing rising health care costs and the uninsured. The House is expected to act this week on several health care measures that our community strongly supports, including medical liability reform and expansion of flexible spending accounts (FSAs).

“The proposals put forth by Congress recognize that the uninsured are not a monolithic population and this problem will not be solved by a one-size- fits-all approach,” said Karen Ignagni, President and CEO of AHIP.

Ignagni commended Congress for taking up the important issue of making health care coverage more affordable for small employers. Ignagni is encouraged that the Senate task force report listed AHPs only as an option for members to consider but did not endorse AHPs. AHIP has long voiced serious concerns about the potential negative effects of AHPs on all health care consumers.

Ignagni urged lawmakers to consider the policy proposals recently issued by AHIP’s board of directors as Congress crafts legislation aimed at providing access for the uninsured. The board statement offers an analysis that segments the uninsured into seven sub-groups with specific policy options aimed at ensuring access for each group, including tax credits for low-income families, high-risk purchasing pools, bridge loans for those between jobs, expansion of FSAs, and full enrollment in SCHIP and Medicaid.

“Our board of directors has taken a leadership role in developing specific solutions that target specific populations of the diverse and dynamic groups that make up the uninsured,” said Ignagni.

Citing a recent survey conducted by Public Opinion Strategies which found that likely voters in the 17 political battleground states are seeking a more substantive debate on health care issues, Ignagni said Congress was aligned with voters who are eager for action on access, costs and quality.

The battleground states poll found that voters largely support a multi- faceted approach to the uninsured. Asked to choose the best way to address the uninsured, two thirds of likely voters reject a single-payer system and support a solution in which the private sector plays a central role. Similarly, 66 percent support targeting policies for specific groups of uninsured individuals.

AHIP’s survey also found growing voter unease over frivolous lawsuits and soaring medical malpractice costs. Asked to rank the best ways to reduce health care costs, voters ranked medical liability reform second behind expanded use of screenings and other preventive services. The survey also found that voters will be weighing the medical liability reform issue when they head to the polls in November. Seventy-two percent of likely voters said they were more likely to vote for a candidate who supports capping non- economic damages in medical lawsuits.

“This issue is really starting to resonate at the grassroots because voters are increasingly making the connection between frivolous lawsuits and rising costs,” said Ignagni.

Battleground state voters are also very supportive of changing the tax code to promote access to health care coverage. Sixty-three percent of voters are more likely to vote for a candidate who supports establishing tax-free savings accounts to help people pay for their health care.

Ignagni said AHIP continues to ramp up Your Health Care, Your Vote, an election-year initiative designed to elevate the health care debate in the 17 battleground states. The program includes grassroots activation, voter education, candidate outreach, media and advertising.

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