Prometheus Release: Novel New Software Uses Your Webcam To Prevent And Relieve Back Pain

AUCKLAND, New Zealand, Feb. 8, 2016 /PRNewswire/ -- Around 80% of the population will suffer back pain in their lifetime and this is often linked to poor posture. The 2010 Global Burden of Disease Study estimated that low back pain accounts for the highest number of years lived with disability worldwide. When you combine health-care and treatment costs with lost productivity and absenteeism, the overall costs to both individuals and businesses can be huge.

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Physiotherapists Nikki Tse and Trevor Montgomery say that with the rise of technology, people are increasingly spending more time at their computers and experiencing the detrimental effects of poor posture such as back pain as a result. Therefore, the pair have developed Prometheus, a desk-top software application, that give users live feedback about their posture via their web-cam, after seeing a need to help people become more aware of their posture when using computers. Prometheus will also prompt you to take regular breaks from sitting or standing and alert you if you slip into poor posture habits for too long. It can also produced customized reports to give you feedback on your progress and will allow you to set goals and rewards so that individuals, family members or teams can challenge each other to improve motivation.

“For years, we as physiotherapists, felt frustrated with being the ambulance at the bottom of the cliff’. Through Prometheus, we’ve developed an innovative way of helping prevent injuries and pain occurring in the first place.” This is not just for patients but individuals, families and small businesses worldwide who want to improve their overall health. “We’re hugely excited about the software and believe that it has the ability to change people’s lives,” say Tse & Montgomery.

Launched today on crowdfunding platform Kickstarter, innovative new software application, Prometheus, aims to improve overall health through giving users live feedback on their posture and blink rate. Kickstarter backers will be the first to receive licenses for the software in September 2016 before public release.

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SOURCE Prometheus