Pennsylvania Insurance Department Extends Deadline For Public Comments On Blue Cross, Blue Shield Plans’ Surplus Applications

HARRISBURG, Pa., Sept. 9 /PRNewswire/ -- Pennsylvania Insurance Commissioner Diane Koken announced today that she has extended the period to review and comment on the surplus applications of Pennsylvania’s Blue Cross Blue Shield health insurance plans by 10 calendar days.

“We have received excellent comments with regard to the information contained in the Blues’ surplus applications,” said Koken. “We have also received requests from consumer groups, legislators and other interested parties to consider a deadline extension so that more people can be encouraged to review and respond to the information -- a request which I have granted. In addition, I have invited all the Blue Cross and Blue Shield plans to respond to concerns or questions raised in the public comments.”

The public comment period will be extended to Sept. 24. The Blues plans -- namely Capital Blue Cross; Highmark Inc. d/b/a Highmark Blue Cross Blue Shield and d/b/a Pennsylvania Blue Shield; Hospital Service Association of Northeastern Pennsylvania d/b/a Blue Cross of Northeastern Pennsylvania; and Independence Blue Cross -- will have until Oct. 4 to respond to those comments.

The Insurance Department has received more than 200 public comments to date. To view the surplus applications and an index of those comments, or to learn how to offer comment, go to the Department’s Web site, and click on “Applications.”

Those without Internet access may submit comments to Blues Reserve/Surplus Application, Insurance Department, Office of Insurance Product Regulation and Market Enforcement, 1311 Strawberry Square, Harrisburg, PA 17120.

Consumers may also view the applications and supplemental documents in any of the Department’s regional offices by calling to make an appointment:

 -- Philadelphia Regional Office - 215-560-2630. -- Pittsburgh Regional Office - 412-565-5020. -- Harrisburg Regional Office, Public Room - 717-787-0877. 

CONTACT: Rosanne Placey, Pennsylvania Insurance Department, +1-717-787-3289.

Pennsylvania Department of Insurance

CONTACT: Rosanne Placey, Pennsylvania Insurance Department,+1-717-787-3289