ALEXANDRIA, Va., April 2 /PRNewswire/ -- The Foundation for Managed Care Pharmacy (FMCP) released the results of a new Survey of State Medicaid Agencies today. The purpose of the investigation was to determine how state Medicaid agencies evaluate and decide which medications are added to their preferred drug lists (PDLs). The study results were presented by Steven G. Avey, RPh, MS, executive director of FMCP, during the Academy of Managed Care Pharmacy’s (AMCP’s) 16th Annual Meeting and Showcase held in San Francisco, California.
The study shows that only 26 state Medicaid agencies have integrated PDLs for their prescription drug programs, with four more states in development. At least half the states surveyed indicate they contract with outside organizations to evaluate medications under consideration for PDLs. When it comes to deciding which drugs are added to the list, more states rely on internal committees. For the most part, committees that evaluate medications are primarily composed of pharmacists and physicians. Committees that make final decisions are similarly structured, however, administrators are often added. In terms of the most important elements considered, safety, efficacy and effectiveness are overwhelmingly the most important, with net cost a somewhat distant fourth.
The study was conducted with a web-based instrument between October 2003 and March 2004. “Possibly the most surprising fact was the significant role private health plans and PBMs play in helping state Medicaid agencies evaluate medications,” said Mr. Avey. “It’s clear that states look for outside expertise in this area. We also asked how many states were familiar with AMCP’s Format for Formulary Submissions, a rigorous evaluation procedure used by much of managed care. Most acknowledged AMCP’s Format, but only 25% were using it.”
The Survey of State Medicaid Agencies was funded through unrestricted grants from Aventis, Bristol-Myers Squibb, Eli Lilly and Company, Johnson & Johnson and Pfizer Inc.
The Foundation for Managed Care Pharmacy (FMCP) is a non-profit charitable trust recognized by the Internal Revenue Service as the educational and philanthropic arm of the Academy of Managed Care Pharmacy (AMCP). The Foundation supports the goals of and mission of AMCP and exists to advance the knowledge and insights of interested individuals and groups on major issues associated with the practice of pharmacy in a managed health care setting.
Foundation for Managed Care Pharmacy
CONTACT: Carolyn Stables, +1-703-683-8416, ext 308,, for the Foundation for Managed Care Pharmacy