Acting FDA Commissioner Stephen Ostroff, Author Daniel Pink To Headline RAPS’ ‘Regulatory Convergence’ Conference In Baltimore

ROCKVILLE, Md., Oct. 7, 2015 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- The annual Regulatory Convergence, hosted by the Regulatory Affairs Professionals Society (RAPS), will convene 24–28 October at the Baltimore Convention Center. The event is the largest annual gathering of the global healthcare regulatory community, including healthcare product regulators, scientists, innovators, and regulatory professionals from life sciences companies of all sizes. This year’s conference will feature keynote remarks from Acting Commissioner of the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) Stephen Ostroff; and best-selling author and TV host Daniel Pink.

“Regulation of healthcare products like pharmaceutical drugs, medical devices and biotechnology products impacts all of our lives in so many ways, and regulatory professionals play key roles,” said RAPS Executive Director Sherry Keramidas, PhD, FASAE, CAE. “The Regulatory Convergence is an opportunity to come together as a profession and examine important regulatory issues in depth.”

The conference will feature more than 75 different sessions covering biopharmaceuticals, medical devices, health-related foods, and legal and business issues. More than 300 speakers will present, including officials from at least 22 global agencies and organizations, including:

  • FDA
  • the European Medicines Agency (EMA)
  • the China Food and Drug Administration (CFDA)
  • the World Health Organization (WHO)
  • the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO)
  • the Brazilian Health Surveillance Agency (ANVISA)
  • Pharmaceuticals and Medical Devices Agency, Japan (PMDA)

For the full conference schedule, visit Follow conference updates and conversations on Twitter using the #2015RAPS hashtag.

Reporters, bloggers and other members of the media who wish to cover all or part of RAPS’ 2015 Regulatory Convergence should contact Zachary Brousseau, senior manager, communications for RAPS at or +1 301 770 2920, ext. 245. On-site registration also will be available for media with valid press credentials or a letter from an assigning editor on company letterhead.

About RAPS

The Regulatory Affairs Professionals Society (RAPS) is the largest global organization of and for those involved with the regulation of healthcare and related products, including medical devices, pharmaceuticals, biologics and nutritional products. Founded in 1976, RAPS helped establish the regulatory profession and continues to actively support the professional and lead the profession as a neutral, non-lobbying nonprofit organization. RAPS offers education and training, professional standards, publications, research, knowledge sharing, networking, career development opportunities and other valuable resources, including Regulatory Affairs Certification (RAC), the only post-academic professional credential to recognize regulatory excellence. RAPS is headquartered in suburban Washington, DC, with offices in Shanghai and Singapore, and chapters and affiliates worldwide.


CONTACT: Zachary Brousseau senior manager, communications RAPS 301 770 2920, ext. 245

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