Why You Should Look for a New Job Before You Hate Your Old One

Do you wake up every morning dreading going to work? If this happens to you even once a week, it may be time to start looking for a new gig.

Do you wake up every morning dreading going to work? If this happens to you even once a week, it may be time to start looking for a new gig.

You don’t want to get to the point where you hate your job. If you’re feeling that way, it’s usually pretty obvious to your co-workers and most likely your boss, too, that you’re totally checked out. Not a good scenario for you or them. But why should you start looking for a job before you start to hate it? We answered that below.

You Owe It To Yourself

It’s no secret that you spend a lot of time at work. In fact, you probably spend more time there than anywhere else. So why spend the majority of your week at a place where you’re not happy? If you’re not learning anything new, not thriving in your role, or are just plain not happy anymore, there is very little reason to stay.

In short, you owe it to yourself to be happy at work. So, once you start to have thoughts about what’s next, or what else is there, it’s time to start looking. It can take a while to find a new position that is the perfect fit, so don’t wait until you’re at your breaking point. You don’t want to be the team member that is unenthused and constantly negative.

You Owe It To Your Co-workers

A team is only as good as its weakest link. If you’re the weakest link — meaning you’re checked out and not putting in your full effort — then you could be bringing your team down. Plus, a team’s morale can be infectious. If you’re the person consistently bad-mouthing the company or even just being less than enthusiastic about your work, the team, or where the company is going, you’re likely bringing others down, too.

Don’t be that person. You owe it to your team members to be a positive addition to the team — especially if you’re in any sort of management position.

You Owe It To Your Company

If you identify with feeling bored or just sick of your job, think about the effort your putting in. Is it the same as it was when you started? Assuming you make a similar, if not higher, salary than when you started, the company is compensating you for the level of work that was expected when you were hired. If you’re not meeting those expectations, or don’t want to anymore, then it’s time to start looking for something that does excite you. Yes, a company wants someone in your position to cover the work, but they also want someone that is excited to build and grow with them. Everyone grows out of positions, and ultimately companies, as they progress in their career — it’s only natural. So, if you’re there, start looking for a position that does make you want to wake up in the morning.

My mom always told me hate was a strong word, so take her advice and remove yourself from your current role or job if it’s not working for you. Ultimately, you’re doing yourself, as well as your team and the company, a favor.