BURLINGTON, Mass., April 11, 2011 /PRNewswire/ -- Tomophase Corporation, a leading developer of minimally invasive optical coherence tomography (OCT) tissue imaging devices, announced today that it has installed the first of its OCT Imaging Systems (OCTIS) at the University of Texas Medical Branch (UTMB) in Galveston, Texas.
This first system sale will be for research use in the laboratory of Dr. Massoud Motamedi, Director, Center for Biomedical Engineering at UTMB. Dr. Motamedi will be conducting research on application of OCT in intraluminal imaging.
Dr Motamedi said, “There is a great need for the development of a high resolution image-based technique for non-invasive assessment of tissue morphology within the intraluminal space in order to assess changes that may occur in tissue morphology in response to therapeutic interventions or disease progression. The Tomophase OCT system provides the capabilities that are needed to rapidly acquire high-resolution OCT images in the lung, colon and GI tract in human and in various animal models. This imaging system could provide details about tissue morphology and structure that could potentially significantly improve early detection of diseases such as epithelial neoplasm as well as assessment of epithelial integrity and treatment safety and efficacy.”
“We are pleased that our state-of-the-art OCT tissue imaging system meets the needs of the University of Texas. High resolution tissue imaging is the focus of our efforts at Tomophase,” said Ralph Johnston, President, and COO.
“Our company is committed to providing new, innovative tissue imaging systems to improve the management of pulmonary disease. It is gratifying to see a group such as UTMB, with so much experience in Interventional Pulmonology imaging, choose our OCTIS system,” said Peter Norris, PhD CEO.
About UTMB Biomedical Engineering
Established in 1891, Texas’ academic health center comprises four health sciences schools, three institutes for advanced study, a research enterprise that includes one of only two national laboratories dedicated to the safe study of infectious threats to human health, and a health system offering a full range of primary and specialized medical services throughout Galveston County and the Texas Gulf Coast region. UTMB is a component of the University of Texas System and a member of the Texas Medical Center.
About Tomophase
Tomophase Corporation is a privately held opto-medical device company with a proprietary position in real-time, high-resolution, cross-sectional tissue imaging using a variant of OCT. Our goal is to provide physicians with heretofore unobtainable airway microstructural images to improve the management and clinical outcome of pulmonary disease. Examples of our tissue imaging results are available at http://www.tomophase.com.
For further information:
Dr. Peter Norris, CEO
Tomophase Corporation
P: (781) 229-5700
E: pnorris@tomophase.com
Ralph Johnston, President, COO
Tomophase Corporation
P: (781) 229-5700
E: rjohnston@tomophase.com
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SOURCE Tomophase Corporation