The Week In Review: Big Week For IPOs

February 11, 2007 -- Friday’s 24-point drop put the Centient Biotech 200™ at 4050, a minor loss of 16 points or .40% for the week. Breadth was just slightly negative, which was right in line with a small decline. The IPO market continued its high level of activity, though it isn’t a market that could be called ebullient. Three biotechs made their debuts: Synta, 3SBio and Optimer. Among recent IPOs, BioMimetic gained 25%, but Achillion took a 54% hit. Tiny Valentis rose 46% as its reverse merger continues to make progress; Luminex gained 20% on positive earnings news; Accentia was an 18% winner.after an audit did not turn up more problems; Memory continued its stunning advance, rising another 17%; and XenoPort climbed 15% on its deal with GSK. More details...