Roche Diagnostics Corporation Release: Genome Sequencer FLX System plus NimbleGen Sequence Capture Arrays Help Unravel the Cryptic Genetic Changes in Hematological Malignancies

PENZBERG, Germany--(BUSINESS WIRE)--The Cancer Genomics Group at Barts and The London Medical School is researching leukemia with the aquisition of the state-of-the-art Genome Sequencer FLX System paired with the Roche NimbleGen Sequence Capture arrays. Researchers, led by Professor Brian Young, will use the combined technology of 454 Sequencing and NimbleGen Sequence Capture Arrays to uncover the genetic changes that are involved in the development of leukemia. The new sequence information will be linked to an existing extensive clinical and cytogenetic database to investigate the relationship between genetic change and the clinical features of this devastating disease. The researchers expect that the new data could have implications for the future therapy and clinical outcome of hematological malignancies.