14 Sep, 2010 -- Moberg Derma’s market partner in the Nordic countries – Antula Healthcare, a company which specialises in the sale of over-the-counter (OTC) pharmaceuticals – has now launched sales of Nalox™ in the Nordic region. Pharmacies have displayed great interest in Moberg Derma’s product Nalox™ – a treatment for discoloured and damaged nails caused by nail fungus or nail psoriasis.
“It is incredibly rewarding to work with such a committed market partner as Antula in the Nordic region,” comments Peter Wolpert, President and CEO of Moberg Derma. He continues: “Efforts to promote and sell Nalox™ to the Nordic pharmacy chains have been very successful. Antula’s approach and excellent results have quickly made the company a leader in the field of OTC pharmaceuticals.”
Antula Healthcare is a young and expansive pharmaceuticals company with OTC successes such as the oral care product SB12 and Anti, a product for the treatment of cold sores, under their belt.
At present the majority of pharmacies in the Nordic region have decided to start selling Nalox™.
About Nalox™ and nail diseases (marketed as Emtrix™ outside of the Nordic region)
Nalox™ is available OTC and has the potential to become the preferred product for treatment of common nail diseases. The product’s efficiency and safety has been documented in several clinical studies involving more than 500 patients. With its unique, fast acting mechanism of action and visible improvements achieved already within 2-4 weeks, Nalox™ has a proven competitive advantage. Nail fungus, the most common nail disease, affects some 10 per cent of the population, with a higher prevalence among the elderly. The global market is estimated at more than SEK 10 billion. Many patients do not seek or receive treatment, and according to specialists on the area there is a need for new, topical treatment options with advantageous side-affect profiles.
For further information, please contact: Peter Wolpert, President and CEO of Moberg Derma Telephone: +46 8 522 307 00 Mobile: +46 735 71 35 E-mail: peter.wolpert@mobergderma.se
About Moberg Derma
Moberg Derma AB, based in Stockholm, develops and markets patented medical products for the treatment of skin disorders. The company focuses on innovative products based on proven compounds. Moberg Derma licences product rights to partners and distributors, but retains certain marketing rights. The company began operations at the Karolinska Institute in Stockholm in 2006. Moberg Derma is owned by institutional and private investors, and by the company management. For further information, please visit: www.mobergderma.se