Method to Prevent Hemorrhagic Complications of Thrombolytic Therapy of Blood Clots is Discovered

A novel method to prevent hemorrhagic complications of thrombolytic therapy of blood clots is discovered.Blood clot dissolution by thrombolytic therapy is an approved, safe and efficaceous therapy of acute ischemic stroke. It is in routine use world-wide, and prevents individuals from stroke-related long-term disability. Many safe therapy forms, however, are often associated with hazards, and therefore indications for therapy must be weighed on an individual basis. In stroke thrombolysis, it is the risk of perithrombolytic hemorrhage formation and expansive brain edema that are most feared complications, and may preclude from administering the therapy. Even after proper precautions, perithrombolytic hemorrhages occur in 6 to 10 % of treated patients. Therefore, experimental research is needed to clarify the mechanisms leading to these complications.