Health Robotics Proves i.v.STATION(R) Exceptional R.O.I., Implementation and Safety Outcomes at Allegiance Health

BOZEN, SUD-TIROL, Italy, October 13, 2011 /PRNewswire/ --

Health Robotics today revealed some of its financial and clinical outcomes at Allegiance Health (Jackson, MI), directly resulting from its previously announced 2Q2011 marketing channel reorganization and the expansion of American installation and support services with its partner Health Robotics Canada.

At Allegiance Health, we had been eagerly awaiting 5+ years for the right I.V. Automation products to come into the market so we could complement the strategic Patient Safety initiatives that we already put into action over the last decade in Oral Automation. We reviewed in detail other companies’ products, but decided to wait until a mature solution would match our quick R.O.I. requirements with much needed Patient Safety benefits. In May 2011 we purchased 1 i.v.STATION and 1 CytoCare with the expectation of delivery and installation within 90 days. Health Robotics indeed delivered as promised both Robots on time, going “live” on i.v.STATION within 30 days after installation. CytoCare’s implementation is on-track to go “live” at our new, world-class CancerCenter this Fall,” stated Thomas W. Crampton, Pharm. D., Allegiance Health’s Director of Pharmacy.

Gaspar DeViedma, Health Robotics’ Executive Vice President, added: “It has been indeed a pleasure to partner with Allegiance Health, where Health Robotics’ staff discovered an uncommon entrepreneurial spirit and commitment to Patient Safety, enabling us to achieve and even exceed the expected outcomes within a very short period of time. It is also very rewarding to find real examples of i.v.STATION’s R.O.I. based on optimizing I.V. Workflow that are not related to PharMEDium or Ameridose, typically the low-hanging-fruit only claimed as R.O.I. by our competitors. Making the leap to demonstrable PreMix-Frozen-RTU products and labor savings with a payback period of less than 6 months, and proven average speed of 35 Bags/hour, finally takes i.v.STATION mainstream in the USA.”

Concluded Mr. Crampton: “Unlike some other industry claims that justify I.V. Automation by replacing I.V. Outsourcing contracts, we focused our i.v.STATION savings on switching from Frozen, Snap/Screw I.V. Bags, and RTU products together with related annual labor savings from both pharmacy “hands-on” time (664 hours) and nursing “activation” time (2,080 hours), yielding a payback period of less than 6 months for i.v.STATION. We had initially planned to add 2 more i.v.STATIONs to maximize the amount of Automated I.V.s., but after observing real i.v.STATION’s speed, we believe that we might only need 1 more.”

About Allegiance Health:

Allegiance Health is a 480-bed, community-owned and locally-governed health system. As the 2010 Foster G. McGaw Award Recipient, we are proudly entering our 10th decade of serving the people of south central Michigan with local, high-quality health care. We staff our facilities with exceptional, caring professionals who are dedicated to the health and well-being of the communities we serve. Comprised of more than 40 different facilities, our system reaches residents of Jackson, Hillsdale, Lenawee, Ingham, Calhoun and Washtenaw counties and beyond. At Allegiance Health, we believe our community is best served by having the most advanced medical services combined with a progressive philosophy of overall wellness. Together, these two approaches will help our community become the healthiest in Michigan - our vision.

About Health Robotics:

Founded in 2006, Health Robotics is the undisputed global leading supplier of life-critical intravenous medication robots, winning 100% of all worldwide I.V. Robot’s publicly announced purchases over the past 21+ months, and providing well over 200 hospital installations in 6 continents with robotics-based technology and software automation solutions. Health Robotics’ world-leading solutions CytoCare® and i.v.STATION® ONCO [hazardous IVs], i.v.STATION® [non-hazardous IVs], i.v.SOFT® [workflow engine for manual compounding], MEDarchiver® [life-critical clinical information system], and TPNstation [totally-automated parenteral nutrition] have and will greatly contribute to ease hospitals’ growing pressures to improve patient safety, increase throughput and contain costs. Through the effective and efficient production of sterile, accurate, tamper-evident and ready-to-administer IVs, Health Robotics’ products help hospitals eliminate life-threatening drug and diluent exchange errors, decrease other medical mistakes and sterility risks, work more efficiently, reduce waste and controlled substances’ diversion, and diminish the gap between rising patient volume/acuity and scarce medical, nursing, and pharmacy staff. For more information, please visit:

For specific requests, please contact:

Claudia Flaim, Health Robotics Marketing Coordinator
Phone (Canada): +1-289-470-1456
Phone (Europe): +39-0471-200-372

SOURCE Health Robotics