Genetic Technologies Limited: Results From 31 January 2018 General Meeting

The company advises that a General Meeting of shareholders that had been requisitioned pursuant to section 249D of the Corporations Act was held at 10.00 am today (Melbourne time).

MELBOURNE, Australia, Jan. 31, 2018 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) --

Genetic Technologies Limited (ASX:GTG) (NASDAQ:GENE) (“Company”) advises that a General Meeting of shareholders that had been requisitioned pursuant to section 249D of the Corporations Act was held at 10.00 am today (Melbourne time).

At the commencement of the meeting, the appointed Chairman of the meeting, advised that resolution 1, removal of Dr Malcolm R. Brandon as a Director and resolution 2, removal of Mr Grahame Leonard, AM, as a Director had been withdrawn as a result of the resignations of these Directors.

In accordance with Listing Rule 3.13.2 and section 251AA of the Corporations Act 2001(Cth), details of the proxies received in respect of each resolution put to shareholders are set out in Table 1 to this announcement. The four (4) resolutions that were put before the shareholders were passed on a show of hands.


Dr Paul Kasian Jason Wong (USA))
Director Blueprint Life Science Group
Genetic Technologies Limited +1 (415) 375 3340, Ext. 4
+ 61 3 8412 7000

About Genetic Technologies Limited
Genetic Technologies is a molecular diagnostics company that offers cancer predictive testing and assessment tools to help physicians proactively manage patient health. The Company’s lead product, BREVAGenplus®, is a clinically validated risk assessment test for non-hereditary breast cancer and is first in its class. BREVAGenplus is designed to facilitate better informed decisions about breast cancer screening and preventive treatment plans, and is directed towards women aged 35 years or above, who have not had breast cancer and have one or more risk factors for developing breast cancer.

The Company markets BREVAGenplus, through its U.S. subsidiary Phenogen Sciences Inc., to healthcare professionals in comprehensive breast health care and imaging centres, as well as to obstetricians/gynaecologists (OBGYNs) and breast cancer risk assessment specialists (such as breast surgeons). For more information, please visit and

Genetic Technologies is developing a pipeline of risk assessment products including a novel colorectal cancer (CRC) test. For more information, please visit

Safe Harbor Statement
Any statements in this press release that relate to the Company’s expectations are forward-looking statements, within the meaning of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act. The Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995 (PSLRA) implemented several significant substantive changes affecting certain cases brought under the federal securities laws, including changes related to pleading, discovery, liability, class representation and awards fees. Since this information may involve risks and uncertainties and are subject to change at any time, the Company’s actual results may differ materially from expected results. Additional risks associated with Genetic Technologies’ business can be found in its periodic filings with the SEC.

Table 1 - Proxy results for 31 January 2018 General Meeting

Manner in which the securityholder directed the proxy vote

Description of Resolution




Chairman *




1. Removal of Dr M Brandon as a Director

Resolution withdrawn at commencement of the meeting

Numbers of votes received
2. Removal of Mr G Leonard as a Director

Resolution withdrawn at commencement of the meeting

Numbers of votes received
3. Removal of Mr E Buccilli as a Director
Numbers of votes received 344,848,740 260,318,699 334,728 21,560 2,455,200
Percentage of votes cast 56.9 % 43.0 % 0.1 % 0.0 %
4. Appointment of Mr S Lee as a Director
Numbers of votes received 345,391,965 259,553,860 553,914 21,560 2,457,628
Percentage of votes cast 57.0 % 42.9 % 0.1 % 0.0 %
5 Appointment of Mr P Rubenstein as a Director
Numbers of votes received 345,523,080 259,441,345 553,914 21,560 2,439,028
Percentage of votes cast 57.1 % 42.8 % 0.1 % 0.0 %
6 Appointment of Mr J Muchnicki as a Director
Numbers of votes received 344,037,980 260,840,495 553,914 21,560 2,524,978
Percentage of votes cast 56.8 % 43.1 % 0.1 % 0.0 %

*Discretionary votes in favour of the Chair of the meeting – voted against the resolution

Note: The Company currently has a total of 2,435,282,724 ordinary shares on issue and 3,596 registered shareholders.