First Biological Test For ADHD Unveiled

Researchers From Brunel University, London, UK, say we may soon have an eye test that can identify ADHD in children. The researchers have been working on 65 children, aged 4-6. The kids have to follow a spot of light on a computer screen with their eyes for 30 seconds. They have to do this four times - each time the spot moves differently. The test, say the scientists, is 93% accurate in identifying ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder). The scientists found that children with ADHD did not have the same type of eye movement in these tests as children without the disorder. There is currently no physical test for ADHD. Health professionals use an assortment of questionnaires and interviews. Pediatricians and psychiatrists say it is not easy to identify ADHD when children are small because they tend to be overactive anyway. According to UK schools, about 6% of children suffer from ADHD.