Ferring Pharmaceuticals’s LYSTEDA Available for Women With Cyclic Heavy Menstrual Bleeding

PARSIPPANY, NJ--(Marketwire - August 03, 2010) -

For more information, visit http://www.akamediainc.com/SMNR/lysteda_1046.htm

For an estimated 22 million women in America, monthly menstrual periods are so heavy they can sap energy, cause anemia, and interfere with daily activities. These sufferers of cyclic heavy menstrual bleeding (HMB) have historically been told their only options for dealing with unruly periods involved hormonal contraceptives, surgery, or pain relievers.

That is changing with the introduction of LYSTEDA™ (tranexamic acid) tablets, a first-line, non-hormonal therapy specifically indicated for cyclic HMB. LYSTEDA, from Ferring Pharmaceuticals, is available by prescription only.

“LYSTEDA is a new, non-hormonal, non-surgical treatment for heavy periods, and it’s very unique,” said Andrea Lukes, MD, Carolina Women’s Research and Wellness Center and lead investigator on clinical studies of LYSTEDA. “You only take it during your period, and it has no hormonal side effects.”

LYSTEDA’s safety and efficacy for treating cyclic HMB were tested in a 3-cycle study of 294 women and a 6-cycle study of 187 women. Results demonstrated that LYSTEDA can reduce menstrual flow by nearly 40 percent. A wide range of patients in the clinical studies benefited from the treatment, including women ages 18 to 49 with body mass indexes of less than 25 to more than 30, and individuals with and without uterine fibroids. The tablets are taken only during the menstrual period for up to five days, and have been shown to work within the first cycle of use.

Women with cyclic HMB experience a more rapid breakdown of blood clots, or fibrinolysis, which causes excessive bleeding during menstruation. LYSTEDA works by helping restore the body’s natural ability to moderate blood flow.

Many women with HMB consider their periods “normal,” and don’t ask their doctor about the condition. According to www.mayoclinic.com, some of the signs and symptoms of HMB include:

  • Heavy menstrual flow that interferes with regular lifestyle.
  • Feeling tired, fatigued or experiencing shortness of breath -- the symptoms of anemia.
  • The need to change sanitary protection during the night.
  • The need for double sanitary protection to control menstrual flow.
  • Soaking through one or more tampons or pads per hour.
  • Menstrual flow that includes large blood clots.

Women who believe they may have cyclic HMB should talk to their doctor or visit www.lysteda.com.

Andrea Preston
Kovak-Likly Communications
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Technorati: Lysteda Ferring Pharmaceutical Women’s Health Period Menstruation HMB heavy menstrual bleeding