As cited in hundreds of peer reviewed publications, naturally occurring nitric oxide in the nasal cavities is a primary defense in humans that is needed to kill invading bacteria, fungi and viruses.
- As cited in hundreds of peer reviewed publications, naturally occurring nitric oxide in the nasal cavities is a primary defense in humans that is needed to kill invading bacteria, fungi and viruses.
- Nasal Nitric Oxide also prevents and reduces the rate and severity of viral infections, and viral replication from the Common Cold, Rhinoviruses, the Flu, and Coronavirus.
- EmphyCorp Rx N115 Nasal Spray increases Nasal Nitric Oxide that kills invading bacteria and viruses, which is needed to reduce the rate, severity and spread of infections.
FLEMINGTON, N.J., April 7, 2020 /PRNewswire/ -- Dr. Alain Martin, who invented Advanced Neosporin, Neosporin Cold Sore Treatment, Advanced Therapy Lubriderm, Rx Rezulin (Type II Diabetes), an FDA approved medium for lung and heart transplantation and Cool Mint Listerine holds over (70) global drug patents, has now come up with a Nasal Spray that could be a game-changer in the fight against COVID-19, especially for first responders and health care professionals.
N115 Clinical Trials
Code-named “N115" for its use in treating lung diseases, EmphyCorp’s globally patented formula has Completed All Three Phases of Clinical Trials required by the FDA to prove safety and efficacy in treating the devastating, but rare lung diseases called Pulmonary Fibrosis. Results from seventeen placebo-controlled human clinical trials including a Phase III Clinical Trial for Pulmonary Fibrosis were submitted to the FDA.
These clinical trials demonstrated a significant decrease in nasal and lung inflammation, substantial increases in lung functions, and increases in nitric oxide needed to kill invading bacteria and viruses. These are critical benefits for treating the symptoms of COVID-19, as lung inflammation leads to pneumonia and death. Improving lung function of COVID-19 patients can save lives. Increased Nasal Nitric Oxide is a preventative to reduce the rate and spread of the disease.
Safe, Effective, and Used by Millions Around the World
N115 is a Non-Steroidal, Natural Component of Human Cells that has no known adverse side effects. It has been used successfully by over (2) million Patients globally in over 200 hospitals during the past 5 years to treat nasal and lung inflammation, congestion in Patients with COPD, Allergic Rhinitis, Pulmonary Fibrosis, and Cystic Fibrosis. It has been used in Children, Diabetics, and Hypertensives, with efficacy and with no known adverse side effects. It has even been shown to be safe for use by Pregnant Women, for whom steroids are contraindicated as they increase the risk of low birth-weight babies.
How it Works: N115 Nasal Nitric Oxide
As cited in hundreds of peer reviewed publications, naturally occurring nitric oxide in the nasal cavities is a primary defense in humans; it is needed to kill invading bacteria, fungi and viruses. Nasal Nitric Oxide also prevents and reduces the rate and severity of viral infections, viral replication from the Common Cold, Rhinoviruses, the Flu, and Coronavirus.
Nitric Oxide decreases significantly from the normal levels found in young, healthy adults when compared to Patients with Asthma, COPD, Diabetes, Cystic Fibrosis, and Primary Ciliary Dyskinesia. The rate of infection increases with decreasing levels of Nasal Nitric Oxide.
In a Phase III Placebo Controlled Clinical Trial with Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis Patients, N115 demonstrated a statistically and clinically significant increase in FEV-1, SaO2, FVC, FEV-1/FVC ratios (52% to 86%), and a significant reduction in coughing, nasal inflammation, and congestion. Nasal inflammation and congestion block the release of nasal nitric oxide. Blockage of nitric oxide increases the rate and severity of infections. In human Phase II/III Placebo Controlled Clinical Trials, N115 reduced nasal congestion and inflammation.
EmphyCorp Rx N115 Non-Steroidal Nasal Spray increases Nasal Nitric Oxide and has the potential as a Preventative Measure to help reduce the rate and spread of the Coronavirus COVID-19 among healthy individuals and especially for essential workers and for high At-Risk persons with Diabetes, Hypertension, Asthma, and COPD.
Rx and OTC Nasal Sprays with Steroids, as well as other Steroid Treatments, shut down the synthesis of nasal nitric oxide which increases the rate of infections. This could account for higher death rates among these patients.
Diabetes and COVID-19
Recently, researchers announced that a high percentage of COVID-19 infected patients that were hospitalized were Diabetics or were Pre-Diabetic. The literature has reported that elevated levels of glucose in patients with diabetes mellitus cause a deficiency in the production of nitric oxide by blunting nitric oxide synthesis, which may explain their susceptibility to COVID-19. N115 increases nasal nitric oxide and is safe for use by Patients with Diabetes.
This would indicate that the use of EmphyCorp’s Rx N115 Nasal Spray by healthy individuals including Adults, Children, Pregnant Women, and Diabetics that are currently not infected with the Flu or Coronavirus and without other underlying health conditions, could reduce the rate and spread of infection.
N115’s ability to increase Nasal Nitric Oxide in Patients is currently not a cure for viral infections, but rather a preventative measure to reduce the rate or severity of infections and to treat some of the deleterious symptoms of COVID-19.
Global Patents
EmphyCorp has (6) Existing U.S. Drug Patents for Increasing Nasal Nitric Oxide, and for the treatment of Allergic Rhinitis, COPD, Unmet Needs, Pulmonary Fibrosis, Cystic Fibrosis, Alzheimer’s, Concussions, and Cancer Pre-Treatment, plus (2) New U.S. Composition Drug Patents Pending for Pulmonary Fibrosis, Cystic Fibrosis and All Lung Diseases with clinical safety and efficacy data on human testing completed. EmphyCorp also has three granted patents with clinical data demonstrating the ability of N115 to up regulate the immune system to kill viral infections. In numerous clinical trials, N115 was shown to be cardioprotective.
How N115 Can Be Made Available to US Patients
EmphyCorp Inc., is a private corporation. EmphyCorp is seeking a pharmaceutical company partner, so it can get its Rx N115 Nasal Spray with its patented Nitric Oxide Enhancing Technology into the market right now for treating COVID-19 Patient symptoms, and as a preventative to reduce the rate and spread of COVID-19 among healthy Adults, Children, Pregnant Women, and certain At-Risk Patients such as Diabetics and those with Hypertension.
Media Contact:
Robert Millar, President, EmphyCorp Inc.
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