This honor recognizes individuals who demonstrate outstanding contributions to the field of health policy and economics for radiology.
WASHINGTON, May 21, 2019 /PRNewswire/ -- The American College of Radiology (ACR) Economics and Health Policy Department has selected Daniel Picus, MD, FACR, FSIR, RCC, as the 2019 recipient of the William T. Thorwarth Jr, MD, Award. This honor recognizes individuals who demonstrate outstanding contributions to the field of health policy and economics for radiology. The Thorwarth Award was bestowed on Picus May 20 at the ACR 2019 Annual Meeting in Washington D.C. Dr. Picus is a professor of radiology and senior vice chair in the department of radiology at Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis. He is a current member of the American Medical Association (AMA) CPT® Editorial Panel and of the Clinical Examples in Radiology Editorial Board. Picus is a former member of the ACR Commission on Economics and chair of the ACR Economics Committee on Coding and Nomenclature. He also served as ACR Advisor to the AMA CPT® Editorial Panel from 2008 to 2017. “Dan ably chaired the ACR Coding & Nomenclature Committee during the expansive CMS revision and revaluation of the DR, IR and RO code sets. Our entire membership owes him thanks for ensuring that our ability to report and perform our services was well maintained during those years. He is a fantastic choice for this prestigious award,” said Ezequiel Silva III, MD, chair of the ACR Commission on Economics. The William T. Thorwarth Jr, MD, Award was established in 2004 by the ACR Commission on Economics to honor members or staff who show excellence in the field of economics and health policy by way of leadership, diplomacy and integrity. It is not an annual award, but is given on a merit basis to outstanding individuals who deserve recognition for their efforts relating to economics and health policy.
SOURCE American College of Radiology |