Cryogenics Research Yields Possible Cure For Arrhythmia

A U.S. clinical study is just getting under way that, if successful, could lead to a non-surgical “cure” for the most common type of cardiac arrhythmia. The study is evaluating a new type of cryogenic catheter co-developed by the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST). The catheter system, which is being commercialized by CryoCor of San Diego, Calif., is designed to selectively freeze cardiac tissue in order to block the abnormal electrical signals that cause arrhythmia, thereby returning the heart to its normal rhythm. On June 29 the company announced Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approval for clinical trials to evaluate the system’s safety and efficacy in treating atrial fibrillation, an irregular heart rhythm that affects about 2.3 million Americans and increases the risk of stroke and death. Clinical trials are already under way to treat atrial flutter, or rapid heart rate.