The Society of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists of Canada will be holding its Annual Clinical and Scientific Conference this June 6-9 in Ottawa.
OTTAWA, June 05, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- The Society of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists of Canada (SOGC) will be holding its Annual Clinical and Scientific Conference this June 6-9 in Ottawa. This 4-day event will include discussion panels, workshops, and a multitude of plenary sessions on key issues for Women’s Health.
“We believe this is a wonderful opportunity to showcase what the SOGC does to improve women’s sexual and reproductive health. Many leading physicians will be presenting their findings on a variety of subjects, with valuable knowledge that will benefit us all, not just professional healthcare providers”, said Dr. Diane Francoeur, CEO of the SOGC. “This is our signature continuing medical education forum and we are very proud of what we have to offer this year.”
Topics covered:
- FEATURED - Inaugural Summit on the Prevention of Maternal Mortality in Canada. Yes, there are still deaths occurring in Canada during delivery or after. Doctors will discuss prevention toolkits, trends in severe maternal morbidity, impact on mental health, what are UK and USA doing, etc. – Tuesday, June 6th.
- Medication abortion - as planned vs not as planned (with Dr. Bruce B. Allan, MD) – Wednesday, June 7th.
- Managing menopause in 2023 (with Dr. Michelle R. Jacobson, MD) - Wednesday June 7th.
- Addressing inequities in reproductive health globally: Making the seemingly impossible possible (with Dr. Astrid Christoffersen-Deb, MD) – Thursday, June 8th.
- New development in management of endometrial and ovarian cancer (with Dr. Sarah Sinasac, MD, and Dr. Johanne Weberpals) – Friday, June 9th
Over 400 obstetricians, gynaecologists and physicians will attend the biggest Ob/Gyn event in Canada.
Website for the conference schedule: ACSC 2023
The SOGC is one of Canada’s oldest national specialty organizations and has been a leader of the advancement of women’s health since 1944.
Patrick O’Reilly, SOGC Communications Specialist
Tel: 438-370-5095