UCare Minnesota Announces Details Of Its New Medicare Prescription Drug Benefit

MINNEAPOLIS, Oct. 1 /PRNewswire/ -- UCare Minnesota announced today that it will incorporate the new Medicare prescription drug coverage into UCare for Seniors, its Medicare Advantage plan, beginning Jan. 1, 2006.

“To give our members and potential members the coverage they want, we’re offering value, affordability, and, best of all, one-stop convenience,” said Nancy Feldman, UCare’s president and CEO. “We’ve made the process simple by combining our health coverage and the new Medicare prescription benefit in one comprehensive plan.”

Three levels of UCare for Seniors coverage, two of which offer the new Medicare prescription benefit, will be available in 64 Minnesota counties.

For UCare for Seniors benefit highlights, visit: http://www.ucare.org/members/healthplans/ufs/view/ufsmedpresdrugcov.html

The three components of UCare’s new Medicare drug benefit are outlined below. UCare has eliminated the $250 deductible that is part of the standard Medicare prescription drug benefit in the UCare for Seniors plans that include prescription coverage.

1. If members’ annual prescription costs range from $0 to $2,200, they make the following co-payments:

-- $10 per generic drug.* -- $25 per preferred brand drug.* -- $50 per other brand drug.* -- 20% per specialty drug.* *Helpful definitions: -- Generic drugs: Prescription drugs that have the same active ingredients as brand-name drugs. They usually cost less than brand- name drugs and are rated by the Food and Drug Administration to be as safe and effective as brand-name drugs. -- Preferred brand drugs: Brand-name drugs that UCare and its participating pharmacies offer for a better price. -- Other brand drugs: Prescription drugs that are sold under a trademarked brand name. -- Specialty drugs: Medications that cost more than $500 out of pocket per month.

For extra savings, members can make two co-payments for a 90-day supply of mail-order drugs, e.g., $20 for a 90-day supply of generic drugs and $50 for a 90-day supply of preferred brand drugs. The mail-order option is also available at some retail pharmacies.

2. When members’ annual prescription costs reach the range of $2,201 to $3,600, they pay 100% of their drug costs. Using a UCare network pharmacy ensures UCare for Seniors members will pay a discounted price on their medications.

3. After members’ annual prescription costs reach $3,600, they pay $2-$5 per drug or 5% co-insurance, whichever is greater. UCare pays the rest.

UCare for Seniors coverage also includes 1,323 different drugs in an open formulary that contains all Medicare-approved drugs.

Marketing of UCare’s new prescription drug coverage will begin Oct. 1, 2005, with initial enrollment taking place from Nov. 15, 2005, through May 15, 2006.

Since passage of the Medicare Modernization Act of 2003, UCare has been a leader in educating seniors across Minnesota about Medicare reform and the new prescription drug coverage. UCare representatives have conducted more than 50 meetings with Minnesotans throughout the state to discuss the new coverage and answer questions about this complex issue.

About UCare Minnesota

UCare Minnesota is an independent, nonprofit health maintenance organization (HMO) providing health care and administrative services to nearly 140,000 members. UCare provides health insurance programs for people with Medicare: UCare for Seniors, a Medicare Advantage product; and UCare Senior Select, a Medicare Select product. UCare also offers income-based health programs to people enrolled in Minnesota Health Care Programs, including Prepaid Medical Assistance, Prepaid General Assistance Medical Care and MinnesotaCare, in 77 Minnesota counties. For more information, visit http://www.ucare.org .

UCare Minnesota

CONTACT: Debbie Weiner of UCare Minnesota, +1-612-676-3562,dweiner@ucare.org