OxyBand Technologies, Inc. Hires a Leader in Medical Technology as Chief Technology Officer

SAN FRANCISCO, June 6 /PRNewswire/ -- OxyBand Technologies Inc., San Francisco, has hired Dr. Olivier Postel to lead the company’s bio-medical technology development and expand the company’s intellectual property portfolio. OxyBand develops innovative therapeutic gas technology for health, cosmetic and consumer care. The company’s inaugural device is an oxygen wound healing dressing, cleared by the FDA for medical and over the counter marketing. OxyBand has received a contract from the US Army.

The extensive experience Dr. Postel brings with him as Chief Technology Officer will help to focus the company’s efforts in research and development, manufacturing and marketing toward launching new products in the market place.

Prior to joining OxyBand, Dr. Postel was the Director of Process Engineering and Integration at dpiX, the world leader of sensor arrays for X- ray medical imaging, where among his other responsibilities, he lead the engineering start-up of a $100 MM expansion facility in Colorado Springs, supported by four global medical equipment companies, Varian Medical Systems, Phillips Medical Systems, Siemens A.G. and Thales.

Dr. Postel has an extensive background in space propulsion systems and gas chemistry, beginning his career as a Staff Scientist at Stanford University’s Plasma Propulsion Lab. He later leveraged his expertise in these fields and founded a medical device start up in Cold Plasma device technology for cosmetic and wound care funded in part by NIH. Dr. Postel has served on an NIH review committee on Infectious Diseases and Microbiology for the past several years. Dr. Postel has also worked with other Silicon Valley start-ups of various stages in developing technology.

The market is ready for OxyBand’s innovative technology solutions. Dr. Postel’s addition to the OxyBand team will help the company to become a market leader.

“We are very pleased Olivier has joined our team and we hope to capitalize on his expertise in therapeutic gas science and technology, and product development to enter the market quickly,” said Dr. Amie Franklin, CEO of OxyBand Technologies. OxyBand is presently raising additional funding to support new product development and to launch the company’s first FDA cleared device.

“I am excited about the strategic intellectual property position and I hope to help to revolutionize the fields of wound care treatment and diagnostics,” said Dr. Postel. “In addition, as a member of the OxyBand team I look forward to working with the United States Institute For Surgical Research in providing superior wound care for the men and women serving in the military.”

Dr. Postel holds MS degrees in Materials Sciences and Solid State Chemistry from France and a PhD in Mechanical Engineering from the University of Minnesota. As part of his research funded by NASA on the use of spacecraft propulsion arcjet thrusters, he received an innovation award by the aerospace agency.

About OxyBand Technologies, Inc.

OxyBand Technologies Inc. is a bio-medical technology company that develops and manufactures therapeutic gas technology for the treatment of health, cosmetic and consumer care. The company has an intellectual property portfolio of proprietary products and the first pure oxygen wound dressing, OxyBand(TM) cleared by the FDA for medical and over the counter marketing. The proprietary portfolio is poised to set a new standard of care to the market.

For additional information about OxyBand please contact OxyBand Technologies Inc. at information@oxyband.com or at 415 283 3356.

CONTACT: Dr. Amie Franklin of OxyBand Technologies Inc., +1-415-283-3356,