Olympus Further Enhances Credentials by Entering Into Exclusive Sales and Distribution Partnership With Market and Technology Leader Advanced Surgical Concepts

HAMBURG, Germany, December 11 /PRNewswire/ -- Olympus has further cemented its position as a leader in the field of minimally invasive surgery by signing an exclusive and immediate deal to distribute the products of Irish company Advanced Surgical Concepts worldwide. ASC is the sole global provider of ports for state-of-the-art laparoscopic operative techniques via a single access point - the patient’s navel. Olympus is now the exclusive distributor for the full range of products involved.

Laparo Endoscopic Single-site Surgery (LESS surgery) - endoscopic surgery via the umbilicus - ranks as one of the most important recent innovations in medical technology. As distributor for the TriPorts and QuadPorts developed by ASC, Olympus is now a key player in the technology of this high-potential market. Using these ports, three or four instruments can be introduced into the patient’s abdomen via a single access point (e.g. the navel). Up to now, most minimally invasive operations required three or even four separate access points.

“As the global market leader in the field of quality endoscopic systems, we will now be supplying the ports, the manual instruments and the optics for the dynamic field of minimally invasive surgery from a single source,” explains Heinz Jacqui, CEO at Olympus Winter & Ibe, referring to the strategic distribution partnership. In addition to its responsibilities in the area of sales cooperation, this subsidiary company also runs Olympus’ surgical development and production centre.

“By using the cooperation with Olympus and their worldwide distribution network we are able to offer our products in combination with today’s best endoscopic system,” says Frank Bonadio, CEO of Advanced Surgical Concepts Limited. “The synergy between our companies’ products will allow us to dominate the market for LESS surgery and results in the long term cooperation of our two companies.”

The market for minimally invasive products is constantly expanding. In Europe alone, around 900,000 gall bladder operations are carried out each year. Over the next few years, a larger number of gall bladder operations will be performed via the umbilicus. Experts predict a significant increase in operations - including complex operations - involving ‘scarless’ surgery within the coming years.

In addition to the benefits for the patient in terms of the cosmetic aspect and reduction in pain from the healing process, this new form of access brings advantages for hospitals, with costs being held at the same level as for conventional operating techniques, whilst continuing the trend towards shorter in-patient times and reduced hospital costs through minimised risk of post-operative infection.

With its products and systems solutions, Olympus is positioning itself as a capable partner for the medical sector. Flexible and rigid endoscopes are playing a decisive role in minimally invasive diagnostics and therapy. The company’s range of products comprises endoscopes and systems solutions for wide-ranging applications in internal medicine and surgery, endoscopic video systems, reprocessing systems and a broad selection of endotherapy products.

CONTACT: For further information, please contact: Silvia Schanze,
Corporate Marketing, Olympus Winter & Ibe GmbH, Kuhnstrasse 61, 22045
Hamburg, Tel: +49-40-669-66-2370, Email: Silvia.Schanze@olympus-owi.com