International Diabetes Federation: Non Communicable Diseases Hit the World’s Poorest People

March 2, 2011 -- Non-communicable Diseases (NCDs) are responsible for 8 million deaths in the world’s poorest billion. NCDs - cancer, cardiovascular disease, chronic respiratory disease and diabetes - are no longer diseases of the wealthy. These were among some of the key messages coming out of this week’s event co -organised by the NCD Alliance1 and Partners in Health, running from March 2-3 in Boston, MA.

“The Long Tail of Global Health Equity: Tackling the Endemic Non-Communicable Diseases of the Bottom Billion,” directed attention toward non-communicable diseases among the world’s billion poorest people in advance of a United Nations high-level meeting on NCDs in September 2011, and took first steps in developing an agenda for addressing NCDs among the world’s poorest. Many of the billion poorest people have little or no access to NCD prevention, diagnosis and treatment. These diseases are resulting in premature death, intense suffering and catastrophic expenditure that pitch entire families into destitution.

Gene Bukhman, Physician, Partners in Health remarked on a noticeable increase in NCDs in low income countries “In communities where Partners in Health has been providing comprehensive, community-based care for many years, we no longer see large numbers of patients coming to the hospital suffering from HIV, tuberculosis, and other infectious diseases,” he adds. “Instead, our wards are increasingly filled with patients requiring treatment for NCDs.”

Calling for international support for the world’s poorest people, Jean Claude Mbanya, President of the International Diabetes Federation (IDF) said “this is the time to send a loud and simple message to the Heads of State and Governments who will attend the UN Summit on NCDs. NCDs are a poverty issue and they are undermining development gains to date. We have solutions; every country can and must do something now to alleviate the burden of premature death and suffering”.

This conference is an important step in breaking the myths that surround NCDs, and demonstrates that the growing NCD epidemic should clearly be a top priority for developing country governments and development agencies.

Sara Webber PR and Media Coordinator International Diabetes Federation +32 (0)496 12 94 70