ARK® Crystal LLC Study Finds Precision Geometric Quartz Improves Flexibility, Balance, Strength and Endurance in Healthy Subjects

ARK Crystal LLC, today announced in partnership with Torus Tech LLC and the Energy Medicine Research Institute, results of a single blind human placebo controlled clinical study which examined the efficacy of the PGQMEM (Precision Geometric Quartz modulated electromagnetically, commercially known as ARK crystals) crystal to improve several athletic outcome measures.

IRVINE, Calif., Dec. 17, 2019 /PRNewswire/ -- ARK Crystal LLC, a private wearable technology provider and the exclusive manufacturer of the ARK® crystal, today announced in partnership with Torus Tech LLC and the Energy Medicine Research Institute, results of a single blind human placebo controlled clinical study which examined the efficacy of the PGQMEM (Precision Geometric Quartz modulated electromagnetically, commercially known as ARK crystals) crystal to improve several athletic outcome measures.

(PRNewsfoto/ARK Crystal LLC)

Results demonstrate that wearing the PGQMEM Pendant for 21 days significantly increases performance in every test conducted for strength, balance, and endurance. Furthermore, the active crystal produced improved changes in all tests compared to placebo controls, indicating the ability of the PGQMEM crystal to increase human athletic performance.

Research was conducted by Lisa Tully, PhD, owner of Energy Medicine Research Institute and Ryan Shilling, owner of Watts Up, a company that specializes in athletic training. Subjects were evaluated at 0, 21 and 42 day time points, after wearing the placebo and active crystal pendants for 3 weeks each. Several athletic tests were conducted to assess flexibility, balance, strength and endurance.

Key findings:

  • Increased Processing Speed: A significant increase in processing speed was detected in the PGQMEM intervention group, while no change in the Placebo group was detected. Processing speed increased by 9.8% over baseline in the PGQMEM.
  • Increased Psychomotor Speed: Significant increases in psychomotor speed were detected in both the Placebo and PGQMEM group. Psychomotor speed increased by 15.2% over baseline the PGQMEM test group.
  • Psychoemotional State (PES): The study recorded significant increases in Psychoemotional State (PES), a measurement of the capacity of the brain / body to handle stress. PGQMEM test group had a 19.6% increase in PES

The results of this pilot study demonstrate that the PGQMEM produced a significant improvement in several of the assessed HRV and cognition measures. While placebo testing showed a slight increase over baseline, when the PGG placebo produced an effect, the PGQMEM outperformed the PGG placebo. A larger population of subjects is recommended to establish the effects on the addressed values. Finally, it is likely that the PGQMEM will produce greater or sustained effects when worn for longer periods.

“Although the absolute changes seem small for some of these tests, they are in fact significant,” said William Brown, Biophysicist at Torus Tech LLC. “When one takes into account the importance of the results from the stretch and reach test, in which the mean value of the change from baseline was 0.9 inches, which is a substantial change in flexibility.”

“It is important to note that the group of subjects for the athletic tests were recruited from a different population that does not understand “energetic” pendants and did not believe that the pendant would have an effect,” added Brown. “Some of them did not enjoy wearing the pendant and a couple said that they didn’t believe that it worked, even after they reported and exhibited improvements. The fact that significant results were seen in this group is impressive.”


Full results are available here.

ABOUT the ARK® crystal
ARK® crystals have been precision engineered so that they will couple to vacuum fluctuations when brought into molecular harmonic resonance interactions via the acoustic, electromechanical, and electromagnetic plasma oscillator of the HFR. Following the unified physics principles of inventor and physicist Nassim Haramein, a precise dimensional ratio was found in which the tetrahedral ARK® crystals would form optimal harmonic resonances with vacuum-coupling acoustic and electromagnetic frequencies. These structural and dimensional characteristics appear to endow the ARK® crystals with a profound ability to link with the nonlocal entanglement network and energetic dynamics of the quantum vacuum.

ARK Crystal LLC is the first to build a scientifically proven and technologically beautiful approach to experience increased peace and personal well-being. Based on Nassim Haramein’s Resonance Science, our technology as wearable art is engineered with precision to receive and emit vacuum energy — thus, structuring water, increasing its bioavailability, creating coherence, and optimizing biology for growth. Our global community of clients use their ARK crystal to experience reduced stress, increased awareness and heightened hydration levels. Founded in 2017, we are setting a new standard for personally experiencing connectedness, resonance and improving the human condition. For more information visit

About Torus Tech LLC
Torus Tech is a specialized research and development company created by Physicist Nassim Haramein to specifically develop technology delivering proof of concept prototypes in the field of vacuum energy and related resonance technologies.

Contact: Hollie Smith, 201-312-4413,

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