WIRB-Copernicus Group To Highlight New Patient Recruitment, Behavioral Assessment And Endpoint Analysis Services; Honor CISCRP And Clinical Trial Volunteers At DIA Annual Meeting

PRINCETON, N.J., June 15, 2017 /PRNewswire/ -- WIRB-Copernicus Group® (WCG™), the world’s leading provider of solutions that measurably improve the quality and efficiency of clinical research, today announced that it will be showcasing its newest companies and technologies at the DIA Annual Meeting in Chicago, IL from June 18-22.

Three companies joined the WCG family in May – ThreeWire®, MedAvante and ProPhase. ThreeWire is a global patient recruitment, enrollment, and retention firm. MedAvante and ProPhase deliver clinical services and technology solutions that improve signal detection in the growing central nervous system and behavioral health assessment markets.

Experts from those companies will be on-site to answer attendees’ questions in the WCG Clinical Services booth #2001. They will be joined by colleagues from ePharmaSolutions and Clintrax Global, who are specialists in site selection, activation, training and management, and contract negotiation and payment services. WCG’s latest solutions – WCG Predict™ and iConnect – which improve the site selection process for sponsors, and the clinical trial selection process for patients, respectively, will also be demonstrated in that booth.

DIA attendees with research protocol or consent-related questions can meet with experts from the WIRB-Copernicus IRB Group, which is composed of WCG’s five institutional review boards: Western IRB (WIRB), Copernicus Group IRB, Aspire IRB, Midlands IRB, and New England IRB in booth #2201.

Underscoring WCG’s desire to share its clinical research knowledge and expertise with the industry, Chief Medical Officer Lindsay McNair MD, MPH, MSB will be discussing unique ethical issues and patient networking online at the conference. Dr. McNair will present during the “Challenges and Issues in Early-Phase Oncology Trials” session from 4-5:15 p.m. on Tuesday, June 20, and chair the “Online Patient Networking” session from 10:45 a.m. to 12 p.m. on Thursday, June 22.

“Volunteers are at the heart of the clinical trial process and ensuring that the appropriate human research protections are in place is WCG’s most sacred duty,” said WCG Chairman and Chief Executive Officer Donald A. Deieso, PhD. “WCG’s goal is to make the clinical trial process more efficient, so that we can get new therapies into the hands of patients who need them as soon as possible, while also upholding the highest standards of human protections.”

“WCG helps to expedite the clinical trial process in numerous ways. For example, we can identify the best clinical trial sites with the right experience and bandwidth to get a study up and running straight away or put patients who have been rejected for one trial in touch with an alternative that is ready to enroll new subjects,” added Dr. Deieso.

To show its appreciation for clinical trial volunteers, WCG is the Olympiad sponsor of this year’s CISCRP Medical Heroes 5k Run/Walk, which will be held on Monday, June 19 at 6:30 a.m. CDT at Burnham Park, DuSable Harbor, 150 N. Lake Shore Drive in Chicago. CISCRP – the Center for Information and Study on Clinical Research Participation – is a nonprofit organization dedicated to educating and informing the public, patients, medical/research communities, the media, and policy makers about clinical research and the role each party plays in the process.

WCG has been so impressed with CISCRP’s work – which includes the development of plain language clinical trial summaries that enable volunteers to better understand their role in the study and the impact of the trial results – that it plans to make a second donation to the organization in conjunction with the DIA conference so that it can expand its work.

About WIRB-Copernicus Group
WIRB-Copernicus Group (WCG) is the world’s leading provider of solutions that measurably improve the quality and efficiency of clinical research. The industry’s first clinical services organization (CSO), WCG enables biopharmaceutical companies, CROs, and institutions to accelerate the delivery of new treatments and therapies to patients, while maintaining the highest standards of human subject protections. For more information, please visit www.wcgclinical.com or follow us on Twitter @WCGClinical.

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