United Science today issued a statement emphasizing the vital importance of entrepreneurs recognizing a future cannabis commodity market.
OSCEOLA, Wis., May 30, 2019 /PRNewswire/ -- United Science today issued a statement emphasizing the vital importance of entrepreneurs recognizing a future cannabis commodity market. “Like it or not, we are headed toward full legalization,” said Dr. Jon Thompson, CEO of United Science, “or at the very least the loosening of federal and state regulations.” The recent passage of the 2018 Farm Bill provided sweeping legislation across all 50 states legalizing the growth and harvest of cannabis in hemp form, resulting in a huge surge of interest in, and production of, CBD oil products. Legalization of marijuana is not far behind – 33 states have already legalized medical marijuana use, while 10 of those also permit recreational use. And according to Forbes magazine, another nine states are on track for legalization in 2019. According to United Science’s Chief Revenue Officer, Tyler Norenberg, “Large multinational corporations are going to enter the cannabis economy and try to claim a piece of it. When big players compete in the marketplace and consumers have real choices, the players with the lowest operating expenses can offer their products at more competitive prices, while still making a profit.” “As bigger players get into the market, margins are going to be cut,” Dr. Thompson stated, “and producers will need to control operating costs to stay competitive and profitable. At extraktLAB, we are uniquely positioned to empower entrepreneurs to do just that, by way of machines and customer support that set the industry standard.” extraktLAB supercritical CO2 extraction machines give entrepreneurs a competitive edge in a fast-changing, rapid-growth industry. The machines are extremely space and energy efficient, super-productive with just one cycle achieving efficiencies of 99%, and are easy to scale up, as they require no special infrastructure. Add in the customer support and commissioning package, and entrepreneurs are well on their way to making a solid profit margin with minimal operating costs. Contact: Dr. Jon Thompson, CEO Andrea Shakal REFERENCES Related Links: Angell, Tom. “These States Are Most Likely To Legalize Marijuana In 2019.” Forbes Magazine: December, 2018. Website: https://www.forbes.com/sites/tomangell/2018/12/26/these-states-are-most-likely-to-legalize-marijuana-in-2019/#2770862f5add
SOURCE United Science |