SuperArray Bioscience Corporation Changes Name to SABiosciences and Moves Into New Larger Facility on Verge of Tenth Anniversary

FREDERICK, Md., July 23 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- SuperArray Bioscience Corporation announced today it has changed its name to SABiosciences Corporation and moved to a brand new facility three times larger than the previous location. The changes reflect both its phenomenal growth over the last few years and its continuing expansion into other additional technologies besides gene expression analysis.

“We are not just a microarray company anymore,” said Dave Martz, Vice President of Sales and Marketing at SABiosciences. “We are now and will continue to become so much more. SuperArray developed a solid reputation for delivering pathway-focused content for gene expression analysis, first with its hybridization-based microarrays and then most recently and much more successfully with real-time PCR Arrays. However, to provide our vision of a systems biology approach in a post-genomic era, SABiosciences now also offers gene function analysis solutions such as RNA interference, ELISA kits, cell-based reporter assays, as well as chromatin immunoprecipitation and other products for epigenomics research.”

The move and name change occurs on the heels of receiving the Tech Council of Maryland Frederick County Firm of the Year Award in 2007 and just before their tenth anniversary as an incorporated company. Rapid growth and continually aggressive revenue projections allowed and indeed necessitated more personnel and capital equipment. After quickly outgrowing their currently available space of 18,000 square feet, the company moves to a new building with 43,000 square feet that supports 150 full-time employees. The company remains in Frederick, Maryland, only a few blocks away in the newly developed Westview South Office Research Center.

“To accommodate our rapid business growth and to better serve our customers, we built this new facility with state of the art R&D lab space, molecular and cell biology instruments, particle-free clean rooms,” Martz continued. “As we approach our tenth anniversary this fall, we are very excited about the opportunities for our continued success that the new location will provide us. The name change better reflects our business model and vision for the future. We will continue bringing cutting edge technologies into every biological research laboratory with relevant biological content.”

About SABiosciences Corporation

SABiosciences Corporation, a privately held biotechnology company founded in 1998, envisions a new and systematic approach to biological research in the post-genomic era. We have developed a broad portfolio of innovative and cost-effective research tools based on current knowledge and understanding of important biological pathways that merge the benefits of hypothesis-driven and discovery-based research. Our goal is to provide practical research tools that accelerate, simplify and improve life science research.

CONTACT: Jeffrey Hung, Ph.D., Director of Marketing, of SABiosciences
Corporation, +1-888-503-3187

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