SAB Biotherapeutics to host public ceremony October 5, 2017
Who: SAB Biotherapeutics, Inc. (SAB), a clinical-stage biopharmaceutical company, announced they are expanding operations in South Dakota with the construction of an 80-acre pharm underway in Lincoln County near Canton.
SAB, founded in 2014, develops human antibody therapeutics using its first-of-its-kind immunotherapy platform leveraging transgenic cattle (TcBovine™). The TcBovine have been genetically designed to produce large amounts of human antibodies in response to a target disease. The company’s first two treatments are in clinical trials–with other infectious disease, oncology and autoimmune targets in development.
What: Public Groundbreaking for SAB Biotherapeutics Production Pharm
Why: The 80-acre pharm, an agricultural-based production unit whose output is biologicals for the benefit of human health, is the first facility of its kind designed specifically for cattle. The new pharm will enable the company to expand its capabilities, herd and team to continue to develop and produce life-saving therapies.
When: Thursday–October 5, 2017 at 9:00 AM
Where: Construction Site: 48042 279th St., Canton, SD 57013 (3 miles north and a half-mile west of Canton)
Emcee: Todd Stahl–Executive Director Animal Management, SAB Biotherapeutics, Inc.
Confirmed Speakers:
–The Honorable Governor Dennis Daugaard–State of South Dakota & GOED
–Eddie J. Sullivan, Ph.D.–President, CEO and Co-founder, SAB Biotherapeutics
–Dr. James Robl, Technology Founder and Industry Expert
–Joni Johnson–Executive Director, South Dakota Biotech
–Others to be confirmed.
Background: The pharm is a highly specialized biosecure cattle facility designed to harvest plasma to be used for the production of human biopharmaceuticals.
Phase I of the project includes a four-building complex with a total footprint of approximately 40,000 sq. ft. and five full-time employees caring for 40 animals. Phase 2, is planned over a number of years, and includes 8 buildings with more than 100,000 sq. ft., approximately 40 employees and 500 animals at full capacity.
The buildings will be used for birthing and housing our TcBovine with areas specifically designed for plasma collection, research, veterinary care, feed and equipment storage and offices.
Prior to their move to Lincoln County, SAB’s herd of transgenic cattle has been housed at Trans Ova Genetics in Sioux Center, Iowa and the related services out-sourced to their team.
Moving the cattle closer to the company’s headquarters in Sioux Falls, has become a top priority as it continues to expand its operations to produce antibodies for additional disease targets. The proximity of the animals and internal team to the lab, and production facility will improve efficiency and streamline operations while laying an important foundation for accelerated growth.
The site northwest of Canton was purchased in July by Dakota Ag Properties, of which SAB is a partner, from the Abbott trust and facilitated through the Canton Economic Development Corporation.
Construction on the first production building began August 23. Completion of the first two buildings is expected by the end of the year, with the remainder of Phase 1 completed spring of 2018.
The general contractor is Canton-based Hoogendoorn Construction, Inc. and VanDeWalle Architects LLC of Sioux Falls.