The Board’s proposed dividend of SEK 0.80 per share for the financial year 2020 was approved. Friday April 30, 2021 was adopted as the record day.
GÖTEBORG, Sweden, April 28, 2021 /PRNewswire/ --
At Vitrolife’s Annual General Meeting today, the following, amongst other things, was decided:
- The Board’s proposed dividend of SEK 0.80 per share for the financial year 2020 was approved. Friday April 30, 2021 was adopted as the record day.
- Re-election of Board members Henrik Blomquist, Lars Holmqvist, Pia Marions, Jón Sigurdsson and Karen Lykke Sorensen, in accordance with the election committee’s proposal. Jón Sigurdsson was re-elected Chairman of the Board.
- Remuneration to the members of the Board shall be totaling SEK 2,165,000, of which SEK 825,000 to the Chairman of the Board, SEK 275,000 to each of the other members of the Board, SEK 60,000 to the Chairman of the Audit Committee, SEK 60,000 to the Chairman of the Remuneration Committee and SEK 30,000 to the other members of these committees.
- Authorization for the Board, for the time up until the next Annual General Meeting and on one or more occasions, to take a decision on the issue of a maximum of 10,850,000 shares in total, corresponding to just below 10 percent of the company’s share capital.
- The Board was authorized to take a decision, up until the next Annual General Meeting and on one or more occasions, with regard to the acquisition of the company’s own shares. The Company can at no time hold more than 10 percent of the total shares in the Company.
- The proposed principles for remuneration and other conditions of employment for the senior management were approved including the establishment of a share-based incentive program.
Gothenburg, April 28, 2021
The Board
Queries should be addressed to:
Thomas Axelsson, CEO, tel 46 31 721 80 01
Mikael Engblom, CFO, tel 46 31 721 80 14
The information was submitted for publication, through the agency of the contact person set out above, at 5.00 pm CET on April 28, 2021.
This is a translation of the Swedish version of the press release. When in doubt, the Swedish wording prevails.
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The following files are available for download:
Report from Annual General Meeting |
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SOURCE Vitrolife AB (publ)
Company Codes: Bloomberg:VITR@SS, ISIN:SE0011205202, RICS:VITR.ST, Stockholm:VITR, OTC-PINK:VTRLY